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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2009 Issue 32
current clinical approach to achalasia
Alexander J Eckardt;Volker F Eckardt
effect of perioperative blood transfusion on clinical outcomes in hepatic surgery for cancer
Gianlorenzo Dionigi;Luigi Boni;Francesca Rovera;Stefano Rausei;Salvatore Cuffari;Giovanni Cantone;Alessandro Bacuzzi;Renzo Dionigi
comparative genomics of helicobacter pylori
Quan-Jiang Dong;Qing Wang;Ying-Nin Xin;Ni Li;Shi-Ying Xuan
mri of gastric carcinoma:results of t and n-staging in an in vitro study
Il Young Kim;Sang Won Kim;Hyeong Cheol Shin;Moon Soo Lee;Dong Jun Jeong;Chang Jin Kim;Young Tong Kim
efficacy of intramuscular diclofenac and fluid replacement in prevention of post-ercp pancreatitis
Altug Senol;Ulku Saritas;Halil Demirkan
reaching proficiency in laparoscopic splenectomy
Tarik Zafer Nursal;Ali Ezer;Sedat Belli;Alper Parlakgumus;Kenan Caliskan;Turgut Noyan
splenectomy with chemotherapy vs surgery alone as initial treatment for splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Rajko Milosevic;Milena Todorovic;Bela Balint;Miodrag Jevtic;Miodrag Krstic;Elizabeta Ristanovic;Nebojsa Antonijevic;Mirjana Pavlovic;Maja Perunicic;Milan Petrovic;Biljana Mihaljevic
instructions to authors
dysregulation of gastric h,k-atpase by cigarette smoke extract
Muna Hammadi;Mohamed Adi;Rony John;Ghalia AK Khoder;Sherif M Karam
stability of a rat model of prehepatic portal hypertension caused by partial ligation of the portal vein
Zhe Wen;Jin-Zhe Zhang;Hui-Min Xia;Chun-Xiao Yang;Ya-Jun Chen
conservative resection for benign tumors of the proximal pancreas
Hai Huang;Xin Dong;Shun-Liang Gao;Yu-Lian Wu
imaging features of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas in multi-detector row computed tomography
Ling Tan;Ya-E Zhao;Deng-Bin Wang;Qing-Bing Wang;Jing Hu;Ke-Min Chen;Xia-Xing Deng
hepatitis b virus subgenotypes and basal core promoter mutations in indonesia
Andi Utama;Sigit Purwantomo;Marlinang Diarta Siburian;Rama Dhenni;Rino Alvani Gani;Irsan Hasan;Andri Sanityoso;Upik Anderiani Miskad;Fardah Akil;Irawan Yusuf;Wenny Astuti Achwan;Soewignjo Soemohardjo;Syafruddin AR Lelosutan;Ruswhandi Martamala;Benyamin Lukito;Unggul Budihusodo;Laurentius Adrianus Lesmana;Ali Sulaiman;Susan Tai
risk factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative acute gastrointestinal bleeding
Ijin Joo;Hyo-Cheol Kim;Jin Wook Chung;Hwan Jun Jae;Jae Hyung Park
pneumobilia,chronic diarrhea,vitamin k malabsorption:a pathognomonic triad for cholecystocolonic fistulas
Savvoula Savvidou;John Goulis;Alexandra Gantzarou;George Ilonidis
an adult case of celiac sprue triggered after an ileal resection for perforated meckel\'s diverticulum
Firdevs Topal;Sabiye Akbulut;Ismail Cagatay Topcu;Yasemin Dolek;Ozlem Yonem
"pseudotumoral" hepatic pattern in acute alcoholic hepatitis:a case report
Andrea Tenca;Sara Massironi;Agostino Colli;Guido Basilisco;Dario Conte
parvovirus b19 induced hepatic failure in an adult requiring liver transplantation
Darin S Krygier;Urs P Steinbrecher;Martin Petric;Siegfried R Erb;Stephen W Chung;Charles H Scudamore;Andrzej K Buczkowski;Eric M Yoshida
evaluation of standard liver volume formulae for chinese adults
Zheng-Rong Shi;Lu-Nan Yan;Bo Li;Tian-Fu Wen
no evidence demonstrating hepatotoxicity associated with hydroxycitric acid
Sidney J Stohs;Harry G Preuss;Sunny E Ohia;Gilbert R Kaats;Carl L Keen;Lonnie D Williams;George A Burdock
suture granuloma of the abdominal wall with intraabdominal extension 12 years after open appendectomy
Goran Augustin;Dragan Korolija;Mate Skegro;Jasminka Jakic-Razumovic Goran