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Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education
2014 Issue 2
Operation Mechanism of Community Sports Non-profit Organizations in China
lv wan gang ;, luo yuan xiang ;, sun li hai ;, wu hui li ;
Sports Culture Communication and Construction of National Image
TAN Qingfan;
Classification of CAS Arbitration Awards
XIONG Yingzi;
Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness And Executive Function
JI Liu;,JI Tai;,LI Lin;
Martial Arts Craze and Its Cultural Value
Liu Zuhiu;
Qi and Lu Wushu Culture in Pre-Qin Period
XU Qiang;,ZHANG Sheng-li;
Legal Analysis of Wushu Trademark Standards
SHI Aiqiao;,WANG Yingjing;
Visual Processing Strategies of Tennis Player's Attention Distribution
HUANG Hong-yuan;,QI Chang-zhu;
Development of Remote Measuring and Monitoring System for Combating Event Group
Hu Pu;,Li Yugang;,Wu Guibin;
Stability of Athletic Performance of World Top Women Shot-putters
JIANG Guoqin;,LIU Jianguo;
Relationship Among Impression Management, Exercise Behavior and Mental Health for Female Undergraduates
cui de gang ;, liu tong yuan ;, qiu fen ;, yang jian ;
Structure of Motor Ability in Aerobics of College Students
DAI Minghui;,FU Lei;,QI Hong;