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Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education
2012 Issue 3
Adolescent Health Education Mode
liu xing liang ; chen yi long ; liu hui ; chen zuo ; liu qi jia ; yang hai peng
Event Management of Kinmen Marathon
DONG Shen;HUANG Zhongling;LIN Benyuan
Reform of Chinese Football Professionalism Based on System Innovation Theory
zhou chi ; gong bo ; dong zhong ming ; yan zhong jie
Constraint of Physical Violence in Western Sports —— On Rules under Sports Bureaucracy
Effects of Aerobic Exercises on RBP4 of SD rats
LI Ning
Analysis of Fundamental Law of Japanese of 2011
FAN Wei;SONG Jianying
Categorization of Educational Practice of Sports Performance Training Program
di ting li ; liu zhi yun ; li fang ; xiang yang ; ding jun lei
Establishment of Chinese College P.E.Syllabuses and Countermeasures
GE Qing;ZHANG Qiuya;WEN Jie