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Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 2
Derivative Financial Instruments:Development,Evolution & Reasons
ye yong gang ; huang he
Manpower Resources Exploitation,Obtaining Employment & Economic Growth:Inter-dynamic Relation
wang dong sheng ; liu ming liang
Study on the Spirit of Innovation in Family Business
xu qin
On Enterprise Strategy Oriented by Customer Relationship
wang zong jun ; jia yun kun
U.S.Cultural Materialism & Its Theoretical Developments
he ping
Marx's Conception of Metabolism & Its Inspiration Today
guo jian ren
Cultural Philosophy:Comprehensive Study
li qing yun
The Important Thought of Three Representatives & Rule of Law
wang ming yuan
On Reform of the Judicial System in Constitutional Structure
zhang ye chao ; yang zhi kun
Balance & Administrational Law
xia qi fa
Economic Globalization:the Road to Modern Constitution
zhan mei bai
Regulations on the Monopoly upon Chinese Telecommunications Service Market
zhang qing yuan ; liu shan mao
On Civil Liability Coincidence of Medical Negligence
li yun hua
Behavior of Impossibility of Crime
xin zhong xiao ; li jiang bo
Politics of Development:Discipline & Structure
yang long
Human Nature & Political System Design
li rong hua
yi bu dui de yu huan jing yan jiu de li zhu
wang xuan wu
Study on Economic Man Role of Public Officials
ni qiu ju ; ni xing