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Wuhan University Journal(Humanity Sciences)
2014 Issue 5
The Ethical Interpretation of Tortures in Harold Pinter’s One for the Road
Liu Hongwei;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
Space Struggle and Identity Construction in Harold’s Pinter’s Play
Wang Na;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
Textual Research on Wucheng Zheyuan’s Lifetime
Lu Xiaojun;Wuhan University;
A Research on the System of Junzheng in Southern Song Dynasty
Liao Yin;Hebei University;
wen yi fu xing shi qi wei ni si xiong di hui chu tan
shang jie ;
The Conflicting Views on Extravagance and Frugalness in Early Modern England Seeing from Clothing
Tan Saihua;Hunan Normal University;