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Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences
2008 Issue 2
New Method on Constructing Analytic Potential Function of Diatomic Molecules
YU Changfeng;WANG Jing School of Science;Xi’an Polytechnic University;Xi’an 710048;Shaanxi;China
Synthesis of Biodegradable Block Copolymer Acyl-Imine with Catalyst of Zinc Powder
ZHONG Min1;2;BAI Yu1;LI Wei1; LIU Xiaoxuan1;QU Fanqi1? 1.College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.College of Xinyang Profession Technology;Xinyang 464000;Henan;China
Response of a Submersed Macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f) Royle,to Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Stress
ZHAO Qiang1;2;WU Zhenbin1?;CHENG Shuiping1;HE Feng1 1.Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences/ State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Synthesis and Surface Activity of Biquaternary Ammonium Salt Gemini Surfactants with Ester Bond
GAO Zhinong;TAI Shuxin;ZHANG Qi;ZHAO Yu;L Bo;GE Yushu;HUANG Li;TANG Xiaoyan College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Autophagy Plays a Potential Role in the Process of Sea Cucumber Body Wall "Melting" Induced by UV Irradiation
ZHU Beiwei1;ZHENG Jie1;ZHANG Zongshen1;DONG Xiuping1;ZHAO Lulu1;Tada Mikiro2 1.College of Biology and Food Engineering;Dalian Polytechnic University;Dalian 116034;Liaoning ;China;2.Department of Biological Resources Chemistry;Faculty of Agriculture;Okayama University;Okayama 700-8530;Japan
Identification of Mucilage Cavity as a Significant Microscopic Characteristic Existing in Phloem Instead of Pith of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei
TANG Jun1;2;FENG Yibin1;TONG Yao1;JIA Ruirui1;SY Laiking3;R.Y.K.Man3? 1.School of Chinese Medicine;The University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China;2.College of Pharmacy;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;3.Department of Pharmacology;The University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
Chronic Stress Induced Proliferation and Activation of Mast Cells of Gastric Antrum in Rats
CHEN Zhenhua1;WANG Gaohua1; LUO Heshen2?;CHEN Jihong2;HUANG Yonglan1;WANG Xiaoping1;LEI Senlin3 1.Department of Psychiatry;Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University;Wuhan 430060;Hubei;China;2.Department of Gastroantrology;Renmin Hospital of Wuhan university;Wuhan 430060;Hubei;China; 3.Research Center of Medicine and Structure Biology;School of Medicine;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430071;Hubei;China
Large Deviations and Moderate Deviations for the Chi-Square Test in Type Ⅱ Error
JIANG Hui;GAO Fuqing School of Mathematics and Statistics;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities for Two-Sided Birth-Death Processes
YANG Qingshan1; LIU Hong2; GAO Fuqing1 1. School of Mathematics and Statistics; Wuhan University; Wuhan 430072; Hubei; China; 2. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080; China
Some Polar Sets for the Generalized Brownian Sheet
LI Huiqiong1;LIU Luqin2;CHEN Zhenlong1 1.College of Statistics and Mathematics;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Hangzhou 310018;Zhejiang;China;2.School of Mathematics and Statistics;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to the One-Dimensional Nonisentropic Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors
LI Yeping Department of Mathematics;Shanghai Normal University Shanghai 200234;China
A Distributed Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
WANG Leichun1;CHEN Shihong1;2?; HU Ruimin1 1.National Engineering Research Center of Multimedia Software;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.School of Computer;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Evolutionary Computation Based Optimization of Image Zernike Moments Shape Feature Vector
LIU Maofu1;HU Hujun1;ZHONG Ming2; HE Yanxiang2;HE Fazhi2 1.College of Computer Science and Technology;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430081;Hubei;China;2.School of Computer;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Design and Implementation of DBC Based on Dynamic AOP
WEN Jing1;YING Shi1;2?;LI Hui1; JIA Xiangyang1 1.State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China; 2.School of Computer;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
A Reflective Approach for Dynamic Change of BPEL Process
JIA Xiangyang1;YING Shi1;2?;LIANG Zaoqing1;XIE Dan1;WEN Jing1 1.State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.School of Computer;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
A Formal Reputation System for Trusting Wireless Sensor Network
XIAO Deqin1;FENG Jianzhao1; ZHANG Huanguo 2 1.College of Informatics;South China Agricultural University;Guangzhou 510642;Guangdong;China;2.State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China
Efficient and Secure Multi-Signature Scheme Based on Trusted Computing
HAO Liming1;YANG Shutang1;2; LU Songnian1;2?;CHEN Gongliang2 1.Department of Electronic Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China;2.School of Information Security Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China
Numerical Simulation of Ionization Enhancement in the Topside Ionosphere of Cusp Foot-Point Region Caused by Low Energy Particle Precipitation
CAI Hongtao1;MA Shuying1;G.Kirchengast2 1.School of Electronic Information/Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy of Ministry of Education;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;China; 2.Institute for Geophysics;Astrophysics and Meteorology;University of Graz;Graz A-8010;Austria
Novel Schmitt Trigger with Wide Temperature Range
ZOU Zhige;ZOU Xuecheng?;DAI Xiaowu; LEI Jianming Department of Electronic Science and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;Hubei;China
Rapid Diagnosis with FISH for Chromosomal Abnormality of Fetal Pyelectasia
HUANG Fenghua1;ZHENG Xingming2;ZHANG Yuanzheng1;XIAO Liping1;LIN Li1 1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Zhongnan Hospital;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430071;Hubei;China;2.Department of Urology;Zhongnan Hospital;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430071;Hubei;China
Observations of Passenger Flow and Verification of a Crowd Dynamics Model
YUAN Jianping1;FANG Zheng1?;LO Siuming2;XIE Lilin1;HUANG Danguang1 1.School of Civil Engineering;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.Department of Building and Construction;City University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams
XU Lihua1;CHI Yin1;SU Jie1;XIA Dongtao2 1.School of Civil Engineering;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;Hubei;China;2.School of Civil Engineering;Hubei University of Technology;Wuhan 430064;Hubei;China
GIS-Based Highway Geological Hazard Information Management and Decision Support System
WANG Weidong1;WANG Guoshun2;DU Xianggang1;XIE Cuiming1 1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Central South University;Changsha 410075;Hunan;China;2.School of Business;Central South University;Changsha 410083;Hunan;China