Built-up Area Detection from a Stereo Pair Using Disparity Information
GONGJianya;PENG Feifei;WANG Le;WU Huayi;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology;Department of Geography;The State University of New York at Buffalo;
Method of Vector Data Compression Based on Sector Screening
HUANG Weiming;YANG Jianyu;CHEN Yanqing;ZHANG Yi;ZHANG Rui;College of Information and Electrical Engineering;China Agricultural University;Key Laboratory for Agriculture Land Quality;Monitoring and Control of the Ministry of Land and Resources;School of Geophysics and Information Technology;China University of Geosciences;
Behavior Recognition of Human Based on Deep Learning
FAN Heng;XU Jun;DENG Yong;XIANG Jinhai;College of Engineering;Huazhong Agricultural University;Department of Physics;Center China Normal University;The 722Research Institute;China Ship Building Industry Corporation;College of Science;Huazhong Agricultural University;