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Geomatics and Information Science of Wunan University
2016 Issue 11
Research of the Location and Valuation of Gross Error Based on Semi-parametric Adjustment Model
PAN Xiong;LV Yuting;WANG Yao;LUO Jing;XU Jingtian;Faculty of Information Engineering;China University of Geosciences;Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office;State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C;
Analysis on Orbit Determination of CE-3 with Different Lunar Gravity Field Model
CHANG Shengqi;HUANG Yong;LI Peijia;HU Xiaogong;Shanghai Astronomical Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate School;the Chinese Academy of Sciences University;Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences;Shanghai Astronomical Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
BeiDou Triple-frequency Carrier Single-epoch Ambiguity Resolution Based on Ambiguity Related Method
YAO Yifei;GAO Jingxiang;LI Zengke;TAN Xinglong;HAN Houzeng;Key Laboratory of Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;China University of Mining and Technology;Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Engineering;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;
A Re-calibration Method for Roll Bias of Multi-beam Sounding System
SUN Wenchuan;BAO Jingyang;JIN Shaohua;XIAO Fumin;ZHANG Zhiwei;Department of Hydrography and Cartography;Dalian Naval Academy;
Elevation Change Along the Expedition Route in PANDA Transection of Antarctica from Cryosat-2
QIANG Qiang;ZHOU Chunxia;LIAO Mingsheng;ZHAO Qiuyang;WANG Zemin;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Polar Surveying and Mapping;National Adminstration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;Wuhan University;State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;
Comparison of Several Filters in the Rates of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Change Based on GRACE RL05 Data
WANG Xingxing;LI Fei;HAO Weifeng;ZHANG Shengkai;YANG Yuande;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Polar Science of Surveying and Mapping;National Adminstration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;Wuhan University;
Grounding Line Extraction of Jelbart Ice Shelf Using DDInSAR
CHANG Pei;ZHOU Chunxia;QIANG Qiang;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Polar Surveying and Mapping;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;Wuhan University;
Analysis of Edge Length of Antarctic Sea Ice Time Series During 1978-2014
CHENG Zian;PANG Xiaoping;ZHAO Xi;JI Qing;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Polar Surveying and Mapping;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;Wuhan University;
Combined Satellite Orbits of the iGMAS Analysis Centers:Method and Precision
TAN Chang;CHEN Guo;WEI Na;CAI Hongliang;ZHAO Qile;GNSS Research Center;Wuhan Univerity;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunication Technology;
An Elliptic Cylindrical Model for Tunnel Filtering
LU Xiaoping;ZHU Ningning;LU Fengnian;Key Laboratory of Mine Spatial Information Technologies;NASG;Henan Polytechnic University;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;Henan Bureau of Geo-Exploration&Mineral Development;
Comparative Analysis of HJ-1B CCD2 and SPOT4 HRVIR Data for Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Forest Stands
JIN Hua’an;LI Ainong;BIAN Jinhu;LEI Guangbin;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
SAR Image Segmentation Combined Regular Tessellation and M-H Algorithm
WANG Yu;LI Yu;ZHAO Quanhua;Institute for Remote Sensing Science and Application;School of Geomatics;Liaoning Technical University;
K-Wishart Classifier for PolSAR Data and Its Performance Evaluation
LI Lan;CHEN Erxue;LI Zengyuan;FENG Qi;ZHAO Lei;Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Remote Sensing and Information Technology;State Forestry Administration Key Laboratory;
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from HJ-1B Satellite Thermal Infrared Data and Error Analysis with Partial Differential Equation
XU Jianbo;XIAO Zhifeng;ZHONG Linyi;CAI Denan;ZHONG Defu;ZHU Xiaoqiang;College of informatics;South China Agricultural University;
Rock Outcrop Detection from RADARSAT-1 Datasets Based on Constant False Alarm
ZHU Tingting;LI Fei;ZHANG Shengkai;YUAN Lexian;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;
Service-Oriented Geographic Information Sharing in Polar Regions
WANG Yue;PANG Xiaoping;WANG Xiaoxuan;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Fisheries Resources Remote Sensing and Information Technology Resources;East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
A Geographical Information Service Load Balancing Algorithm
LI Heyuan;AN Xiaoya;CHEN Gang;JIN Cheng;Institute of Geospatial;Information Engineering University;State Key Laboratory of Geo-Information Engineering;Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping;
Computing Model of Volunteered Geographic Information Trustworthiness Based on User Reputation
ZHAO Yijiang;ZHOU Xiaoguang;HUANG Mengni;School of Geosciences and Info-physics;Central South University;Key Laboratory of Knowledge Processing and Networked Manufacturing;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Group-based Incremental Updating of Geographic Data for Urbanization Construction
WANG Wei;YING Shen;LI Chengpeng;GAO Yurong;YANG Jie;ZHU Liping;School of Resource and Environment Sciences;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Geographic Information System;Ministry of Education;Wuhan University;Wuhan Geomatics Institute;
A Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on Sparse Multi-scale Image Segmentation and Cascade Deformable Part Model
LV Rui;SHAO Zhenfeng;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;
Laser Print Document Identification Based on Gabor Feature and Sparse Representation Classification
FANG Tianhong;CHEN Qinghu;YAN Yuchen;ZHOU Qianjin;School of Electronic Information;Wuhan University;School of Physics and Electronic-information Engineering;Hubei Engineering University;
An Fusion Positioning for PDR and WiFi Based on Fading Adaptive Weighted EKF
HU Andong;WANG Jian;WANG Yunjia;LIU Chunyan;TAN Xinglong;LI Zengke;Key Laboratory of Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Environment and Spatial Informatics;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences;RMIT University;