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Foreign Literature Studies
2013 Issue 2
tou gao zhi nan
Existence and Words:AStudy of the Receptive History of Under the Western Eyes
Ning Yizhong;Qiao Xiufeng
Representation and Natasha Trethewey’s Poetry
Jerry W. Ward; Jr.
Subversion and Hybridity: On H. Rider Haggard’s Matriarchy Space
Zhou Ziyu;Luo Fan
Racine in Lucien Godenmann’s Tragic Vision
Wang Tianbao
James Laughlin and Ezra Pound
Zheng Yanhong
The Spread and Loss of The Catcher in the Rye in China
Guan Nanyi
books received
wei shan ;
On Dramatic Discussions in Shavian Drama of Ideas
Xie Jiangnan