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Journal of Microwaves
2007 Issue S1
Theoretical and Numerical Studies on Cage Antenna of EMP Radiating-Wave Simulator
MENG Fen-xia;XIA Hong-fu;WANG Jian-guo
The Design of High Gain Metamaterial Cover Used in the Dipole Antenna
GUO Rong;WENG Zi-bin;JIAO Yong-chang
Ultra-Wideband Reflector Antenna with Two-Feeds
SUN Lei;LIU Zhi-hui
Novel Design of an H-shaped Dual-frequency Microstrip Antenna
Huang Zhenhua 1;Zhou Xilang1;Niu Jiaxiao1;Chen Junhua2
Time-Frequency Domain Parameters and design Techniques of UWB Antenna
ZHANG Zhuo1;2 YIN Hao2 SU Kai1 CHENG Si1
Research on Resonance Frequency and Bandwidth of Wide Slot Microstrip Antenna
WU Chang-ying;DING Jun;XU Jia-dong
High Performance Missile Radome Measurement System
SONG Yin-suo
Electrical Analysis and Design on Some Type Cabin Radome
ZHANG Yu-ying1;HOU Xin-yu1;CUI Yao1;LUAN Yin-min2;ZHOU Hui2
Calculation for the Phase Center of LPDA Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithms
JIANG Tie-hua;SU Dong-lin;YANG Zheng-guang
Research of 4-Element Microstrip Antenna Array of Compact Millimeter Wave Radar Front-End
CUI Bin1;2;YU Xiao-jing1;QIAN Rong1;SUN Xiao-wei1
Analysis of Settling Time of Nonlinear Antenna Array
ZHAI Long-jun;JIANG Yong-hua;LIU Long-he;TANG Zhi-kai
Research on Far-Field Range Requirement of Antenna Phase Center Anechoic Chamber Calibration Method
Design and Study of a Novel 5.8 GHz Coplanar Stripline Rectenna
DENG Hong-lei1;2;KONG Li2
Effects of Position and Phase Errors on the Sidelobe Level of an Array Antenna with Subarrays
FANG Gang1;2;WANG Xiao-mo3;GAO Ben-qing1
Measurement of the Quiet Zone Performance of Microwave Anechoic Chamber
WANG Zhi-yu1;QIAO Shan1;YUAN Yu1;HUANGFU Jiang-tao1;RAN Li-xin1;ZHOU Hui-zhong2
Design of High-Temperature Superconducting Filter with Capacity-Coupled Feedlines
GUO Xu-bo;WEI Bin;ZHANG Xiao-ping;MU Li-juan;TIAN Jia;PIAO Yun-long;PENG Huili;CAO Bi-song
Design of Chip-type Bandpass Filter Fabricated by Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic
WU Guo-an;BI Xiao-jun;TANG Qing-hua;XU Qin-fen
Effect of Slot Characteristics on Bandwidth of a Shunt Slotted Array
QI Mei-Qing;WANG Wei;JIN Mou-Ping
Analysis of Resonant Iris in Rectangular Waveguide and Its Application
GAO Mei-li;ZHAO Yong-jiu;ZHAI Yang-wen
Improved Design of Ultra-Wideband Band-Pass Filter Using CPW/Microstrip Transitions
ZHUANG Yan-yan;CHENG Chong-hu
A Differentially-Driven Planar Spiral Inductor Design for 5GHz 0.18μm CMOS Differential LNA
WANG Zhan-cang;FANG Sui-ming;GAO Feng WANG Zhan-wei
Grain Boundary Layer Cermaic Single Layer Chip Capacitor for Microwave Circuit
CHENG Chao;CAI Yang;YANG Jun-feng;FENG Yi-long;ZHAO Hai-fei
Design of 6W Solid-State Integrated Power-Combining Amplifier at Ka-band
CHEN Chang-ming1;2;XU Jun1;XUE Liang-jin1;WANG Tian-bao2
Optimized Design of a Broadband Power Amplifier Based on Impedance Measurement of FET
ZHANG Xiao-fa;LV Bo;ZHU Chang;YUAN Nai-chang
Design of High Power Klystron with High Efficiency
SUN Rong-di
Accurate Determining the Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit of SiC MESFET
XU Yue-hang;XU Rui-min;YAN Bo;WANG Lei
Multi-Directional Search Optimization Algorithm Applicable for Adaptive Predistortion RF Power Amplifier
FENG Yong-sheng1;JIA Chun-ling2;LIU Yuan-an1
Cascaded Adaptive Predistorter Basing on Rational Function
NIU Wei;WANG Min-xi;CHEN Kai-ya
Design and Simulation for L Band Transistor Amplifier with ADS Software
NAN Jing-chang1;2 FENG Yong-sheng1 LIU Yuan-an1
The Design of Low Phase Noise Signal Generator Based on DDS
WANG Jiang-tao;YU Hong-biao;ZHANG Jian-zeng
Investigation of Left-Handed Transmission Line
ZHAO Wei-hong1;HU Ming-chun1;ZHANG Qiang1
Design and Application of Frequency Tunable Handset Antenna
LI Xu Co.Ltd;Shanghai 201203;China)
Optimization Design of a Novel Defected Ground Structure Based on Neural Network
LI Rong;WANG An-guo;LV Ying
Analysis of Microwave Ferrite Propagation Mechanism under Rotary Quadrapole Magnetized Field
LING Yong;JIANG Ren-pei;SONG Shu-ping
Analysis of the Coupling Field Inside a Rectangular Shielded Enclosure with an Aperture
LI Xian-jin1;2;ZHOU Bi-hua1;GU Shen-yuan2;MA Jian2
Generalized Theory of Dual-mode Ferrite Devices
JIANG Ren-pei;HU Lan
Electromagnetic Scattering Model of Calibrators for Low Frequency UWB SAR System
ZOU Kun1;HE Jian2;ZHAO Xiu-bing1;WU De-wei1 2.Department of Electronic Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;China)
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Electromagnetic Waves Trapped Propagation in Atmospheric Ducts Environments
HUANG Xiao-mao1;2;ZHANG Yong-gang1;LUO Ning2;TANG Hai-chuan1;WANG Hua1
The Numerical Calculation of Low-Detectable Plane RCS in HF Band
GUO Jian-min1;2;LIU Bo2;LI Wei-qing3
Analysis of the Shielding Effects on Electromagnetic Pulses of Reinforce Concrete Walls by Using FDTD Method
ZHANG Heng-wei1;2;ZHANG Yi-xi2;FU Jun-mei2;CHEN Xiao-bo2
Quiet-Zone Calculation For Anechoic Chamber Using FDTD
HAO Xiao-jun1;2;CHEN Yong-guang1;HE Jian-guo2;WANG Lian-dong1
A Complete Projection Algorithm Applied to Near-Field Radar Imaging
CHEN Hai-bo;HE Guo-yu
SAR Image Simulation of L-System Fractal Tree Canopy
HUANG Qiong;XU Feng
Automatic Target Recognition with Synthetic Aperture Radar Image
LIU Yong-jun1;2;GE De-biao1;ZHANG Zhong-zhi2
Research on Resolution of Underground Objects Detection in Airborne Radar
GUO Yong-qiang1;CHEN Zi-li2
A Phase-Only Direct Data Domain Algorithm Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithms
SHAO Wei1;WANG Zhi-hui2;QIAN Zu-ping1;YUAN Feng1
New Generation RF Subsystem Design Based on MIMO-OFDM
LI Ya-zhuo;XU Xiao-dong;TAO Xiao-feng;ZHANG Ping
A Novel Quiescent Pattern Control Method to Widen Interference Nulls
WANG Jin-Bo;SUN Qing;TANG Hong
Research and Development of RF MEMS Packaging
WU Han-qin;LIAO Xiao-ping
Studies on Mutagenesis of F6 by Treating with Microwave Irradiation
ZHANG Feng-ying;YU Bo;MA Rui