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Journal of Tanzhou University
2005 Issue 3
Mathematical Modeling and Mathematics Teaching Reform
YUAN Li-xia;ZHENG Xue-liang
Synthesis of 2-hydroxy-4-sulfamylbenzen-3-(4-Nitrophenyl)-Triazeneand Its Colour Reaction with Mercury
ZHANG Chun-niu;ZHENG Yun-fa;GU Yong-bing
The Design of Way-exploring Intelligence Robot
LI Hong-ming
G-Relative productive spaces
MOU Jin-ping
Wireless Monitoring System on the Basis of TC35i and 89C51
LUO Cheng-shi
The Improvement of Power Amplifier of High Quality
WEI Na-xin
Handoff in the Mobile Communication System
ZHANG Yong-ju
On the Selection of TCP/IP Protocols for Embedded Internet
ZHANG Yong-sheng;LEI Bi-cheng
A Note on Convergence Uniform in Function Sequence
LIN Rong-fei
The Condition for the Local Uniform Convergence of Two-variable Function
ZHANG Guo-cai;WANG Shu-da
A Note On Carleman Inequality
ZHAO Yue-qing
On the Projections onto a Hilbert Space
YU Zhi-jian