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Journal of Physical Education
2006 Issue 5
Changes of and explanations for female body culture in modern Olympic movement
HUANG Shi-hua;CAI Xing-lin
On the strengthening of sports functions in modern thinking manner
QU Tian-min;NIU Ying-peng
An analysis of the objective value of sport
CHEN Chang-li;YANG Zhong-wei
On the self exceeding of the subject in sport
WENG Zhong-qing
Connotation and legal status of citizen's sports right
Dietary behaviors of and nutritional education for college students
DENG Shu-xun;HUANG Yu-shan;CHEN Nan-sheng;GUO Hong;WANG Qiu-hai
The "(5+10)min" simulated college soccer training method
SUN Dong-hui;FANG Xiu-chong;LIU Hong-mei;WEI Yong
Survey and study of the current situation of physical education curriculum resources in middle schools in Gansu province
ZHANG Xue-zhong;WEI Zheng-guang;ZHONG Quan-hong;JIAN Shu-qing
A study of the "triple selection" mode for physical education curriculum for demonstrative senior high schools
ZHANG Zheng-zhong;LI Da-guang;CHEN Xiong-lue;LIU Bin
Developing peasant sport by basing its center on small town community sport
YUAN Guang-feng;ZHANG Shui-shun
An analysis of development orientated evaluation in physical education teaching
XIA Dong-sheng;YANG Chun;HU De-tang
A look into the 16 PF of male college basketball players
SHENG Shao-zeng;ZHU Li-heng;PAN Qi;ZHAI Hua-nan;ZHENG Qing-jiang
Experimental research on the characteristics of concentration of orientated cross-country racers in China
FU Jian-hua;ZHOU Cheng;ZHENG Shou-xing;HU Huo-lun