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Progress in Astronomy
2003 Issue 3
The Real Time Distributed Database for LAMOST Control System
xu ling zhe ; xu xin zuo
High Z Galaxies and Exoplanets
zou zhen long
Nuclear Starburst Activities in Seyfert 2 Galaxies
shi lei ; gu qiu sheng ; huang jie hao
Asteroid Database
guan min ; zhu jin ; gao jian ; ma wen zhang
International Terrestrial Reference Frame: Current Status and its Future
jin shuang gen ; zhu wen yao
On Satellite Constellation and Formation
hu song jie ; wang zuo ; liu lin
Progress in Modern Astronomical Enclosure
yao zheng qiu ; zhou fang
Novel Control Technologies for Optical Astronomical Telescopes of Contemporary Era
xu xin zuo ; xu ling zhe ; luo qiu feng
Recent Progress of New Technology in Very Long Baseline Interferometry
xiang ying ; zhang xiu zhong