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Progress in Astronomy
2002 Issue 4
2003 nian zheng ding qi shi
Frontiers of Planetary Astronomy
zhang wei ; zhu jin
Linear Redshift Distortion in Galaxy Survey
xiao wei ke ; guo yi cheng ; zuo yao quan
Orbit Dynamics of the Kuiper Belt Objects
wan xiao sheng ; huang tian yi
Martian Precession and Nutation
xia yi fei ; zhang cheng zhi
COSMIC Project
guo peng ; hong zhen jie ; zhang da hai
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Database of Astronomy
zhang yan xia ; zhao yong heng ; cui chen zhou
Technology Progress of Virtual Observatory
cui chen zhou ; zhao yong heng ; zhao gang ; zhang yan xia
How to Write a Good Astronomical Paper
Helmut A.Abt