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Journal of Tianshui Normal University
2014 Issue 5
Zinc ion Imprinted Polymer for Solid-phase: Its Applications and Synthesis
Wang Yibo;,Zhangluo Yilan;,Zheng Hong;
hong xian ren dong ji yuan shan yin hua de hua xue cheng fen
huang jian ;, li han zuo ;, song zhi jun ;, wang shuo ;, yao cai yun ;
Research Progress of Biocompatibility Evaluation on Biomaterials
Chen Xuemei;,Gou Liming;,Wang Tingpu;,Yao Dan;,Yuan Yijun;
A Research of Fish Resources Diversity in Southeast Gansu
Ma Gang;,Zhang Min;
mai ji shan shi ku bi hua xiu fu fang fa chu tan
dong zhong ;, liu ;, xu chi ;, yang zuo ping ;
yi zhong wen shi da peng jian kong xi tong de yan jiu
zhou fu en ;
Suggestions for Improvement of Luxury Consumption Tax System
Bao Zhiyong;,Wang Qing;
A Theoretical Analysis about Eco-tourism Research in China
Zhang Junmou;
A Survey of Gansu Province Police Mental Health Status
Xie Shenghua;,Yang Hong;
lan zhou shi nong min he zuo she fa zhan de ying xiang yin su fen xi
guo zuo ;, zhang wen zheng ;
Motherhood Reflected in the Liao Dynasty Stone Carvings
Zhang Min;
The Melodic Performance Characteristics in Musical Works
Du Xinping;
ji yu ping xing yu liao de han ying lv you wen ben miao xie yan jiu
hou bin ;, lu rong ;
zuo pin xuan
An Investigation on Chinese EFL Learners' Intonational Phrase Awareness
Guo Xiaoying;,Yang Xiaochun;
Subjectivity Teaching Method in Piano Learning
Li Wei;
du dun huang wen xue zong lun
fu xue qin ;