Optimization strategy and procedure for coal bed methane separation
Gaobo Zhang~;Shuanshi Fan~;Ben Hua~;Yanhong Wang~a;Tianxu Huang~c;Yuhang Xie~a a.The Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation;Ministry of Education;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510640;Guangdong;China;b.Shanghai Huide Integration Energy Technology Co.;Ltd.;Shanghai 200129;China;c.Sinopec Luoyang Branch;Luoyang 470012;Henan;China
Optimization and statistical analysis of Au-ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for CO oxidation
Wenjin Yan~;Xinli Jia~a;Tao Chen~;Yanhui Yang~ a.School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering;Nanyang Technological University;Singapore 637459;b.Department of Chemical and Process Engineering;University of Surrey;Guildford GU2 7XH;UK;c.Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences;I Pesek Road;Jurong Island;Singapore 627833
Carbon dioxide conversion to valuable chemical products over composite catalytic systems
Robert A.Dagle~;Jianli Hu~a;Susanne B.Jones~a;Wayne Wilcox~a;John G.Frye~a;James F.White~a;Juyuan Jiang~b;Yong Wang~ a.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;Richland;WA 99352;USA;b.School of Automation Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300191;China;c.Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering;Washington State University;Pullman;WA 99164;USA
Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of Co using Co(MeCp)2 precursor
Jusang Park~a;Han-Bo-Ram Lee~b;Doyoung Kim~c;Jaehong Yoon~a;Clement Lansalot~d;Julien Gatineau~d;Henri Chevrel~d;Hyungjun Kim~ a.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Yonsei University;Seoul;120-749;Korea;b.School of Materials Science and Engineering;Incheon National University;Incheon;Korea;c.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Ulsan College;Ulsan;680-749;Korea;d.Air Liquide Laboratories;Wadai 28;Tsukuba;Ibaraki Pref;Japan
Coronal multi-walled silicon nanotubes
Yuanshuai Zhu~;Zhibei Qu~;Guilin Zhuang~a;Wulin Chen~a;Jianguo Wang~ a.Institute of Industrial Catalysis;College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science;Zhejiang University of Technology;Hangzhou 310032;Zhejiang;China;b.Department of Chemistry;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200241;China
Waste biomass from production process co-firing with coal in a steam boiler to reduce fossil fuel consumption:A case study
Hongyan Gu~a;Kai Zhang~b;Yaodong Wang~;Ye Huang~d;Neil Hewitt~d;Anthony P Roskilly~c a.Electrical Engineering College;Guizhou University;Guiyang 550025;Guizhou;China;b.National Engineering lab for Biomass Power Generation Equipment;School of Renewable Energy;North China Electric Power University;Beijing 102206;China;c.Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research;Newcastle University;Newcastle Upon Tyne;NEl 7RU;UK;d.School of Built Environment;University of Ulster;Newtownabbey BT37 OQB;UK