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Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
2013 Issue 3
Promoting effect of chloride ions on selective oxidation of methanol to methyl formate over zirconia-supported ruthenium oxide catalysts
Weizhen Li;Hongpeng Zhang;Xiaohui He;Haichao Liu~* Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences;State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Stable and Unstable Species;College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Coating of Al2O3 on layered Li(Mn1/3Ni1/3Co1/3)O2 using CO2 as green precipitant and their improved electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries
Yingqiang Wu~;Linhai Zhuo~;Jun Ming~;Yancun Yu~;Fengyu Zhao~ a.State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry;Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130022;Jilin;China;b.Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Process;Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun 130022;Jilin;China;c.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Effect of the support calcination temperature on selective hydrodesulfurization of TiO2 nanotubes supported CoMo catalysts
Cuili Guo~*;Yuanyuan Wu;Xin Wang;Bo Yang School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
First-principles characterization of formate and carboxyl adsorption on stoichiometric CeO2(111)and CeO2(110) surfaces
Donghai Mei~* Institute for Integrated Catalysis;Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;Richland;Washington 99352;USA
Effect of supercritical water on the stability and activity of alkaline carbonate catalysts in coal gasification
Jinli Zhang~a;Xiaoxia Weng~a;You Han~;Wei Li~a;Zhongxue Gan~b;Junjie Gu~b a.School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China;b.State Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Energy of Coal;ENN Group;Langfang 065001;Hebei;China
Pathways of liquefied petroleum gas pyrolysis in hydrogen plasma:A density functional theory study
Xiaoyuan Huang~a;Jiaming Gu~a;Dang-Guo Cheng~;Fengqiu Chen~b;Xiaoli Zhan~a a.Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering;Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027;Zhejiang;China;b.Key Laboratory of Biomass Chemical Engineering of Ministry of Education;Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;Zhejiang;China
Effects of hydroxyl group on H2 dissociation on graphene:A density functional theory study
Ning Wang;Likun Wang;Qinggang Tan~*;Yun-Xiang Pan~* College of Materials Science and Engineering;Key Laboratory for Advanced Civil Engineering Materials;Tongji University;Caoan Road 4800;Shanghai 201804;China
In situ grown nanoscale platinum on carbon powder as catalyst layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells(PEMFCs)
Sheng Sui~;Xiaolong Zhuo~a;Kaihua Su~a;Xianyong Yao~a;Junliang Zhang~a;Shangfeng Du~b;Kevin Kendall~b a.Institute of Fuel Cell;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;200240 Shanghai;China;b.School of Chemical Engineering;University of Birmingham;Edgbaston;Birmingham B15 2TT;United Kingdom
Optimization strategy and procedure for coal bed methane separation
Gaobo Zhang~;Shuanshi Fan~;Ben Hua~;Yanhong Wang~a;Tianxu Huang~c;Yuhang Xie~a a.The Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation;Ministry of Education;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510640;Guangdong;China;b.Shanghai Huide Integration Energy Technology Co.;Ltd.;Shanghai 200129;China;c.Sinopec Luoyang Branch;Luoyang 470012;Henan;China
Optimization and statistical analysis of Au-ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for CO oxidation
Wenjin Yan~;Xinli Jia~a;Tao Chen~;Yanhui Yang~ a.School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering;Nanyang Technological University;Singapore 637459;b.Department of Chemical and Process Engineering;University of Surrey;Guildford GU2 7XH;UK;c.Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences;I Pesek Road;Jurong Island;Singapore 627833
Instructions to Authors
Polyethylene glycol radical-initiated aerobic propargylic oxidation in dense carbon dioxide
Zhenfeng Diao;Bin Li;Bing Yu;Anhua Liu;Liangnian He~* State Key Laboratory and Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China
Carbon dioxide conversion to valuable chemical products over composite catalytic systems
Robert A.Dagle~;Jianli Hu~a;Susanne B.Jones~a;Wayne Wilcox~a;John G.Frye~a;James F.White~a;Juyuan Jiang~b;Yong Wang~ a.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;Richland;WA 99352;USA;b.School of Automation Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;Tianjin 300191;China;c.Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering;Washington State University;Pullman;WA 99164;USA
Nb2O5-carbon core-shell nanocomposite as anode material for lithium ion battery
Ge Li~;Xiaolei Wang~;Xueming Ma~a a.Department of Physics;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200241;China;b.Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering;University of California;Los Angeles;CA 90095;United States
Plasma-assisted methane conversion in an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge reactor
Chao Xu;Xin Tu~* Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics;University of Liverpool;Liverpool;L69 3GJ;UK
Intrinsic properties of active sites for hydrogen production from alcohols without coke formation
Zhong He;Xianqin Wang~* Department of Chemical;Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering;New Jersey Institute of Technology;Newark;New Jersey 07102;USA
Preparation of nanocrystalline Na2ZrO3 for high-temperature CO2 acceptors:chemistry and mechanism
Tiejun Zhao~;Magnus Rφnning~a;De Chen~ a.Department of Chemical Engineering;Norwegian University of Science and Technology;N-7491 Trondheim;Norway;b.Low-Carbon Energy Conversion Center;Shanghai Advanced Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201210;China
Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of Co using Co(MeCp)2 precursor
Jusang Park~a;Han-Bo-Ram Lee~b;Doyoung Kim~c;Jaehong Yoon~a;Clement Lansalot~d;Julien Gatineau~d;Henri Chevrel~d;Hyungjun Kim~ a.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Yonsei University;Seoul;120-749;Korea;b.School of Materials Science and Engineering;Incheon National University;Incheon;Korea;c.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Ulsan College;Ulsan;680-749;Korea;d.Air Liquide Laboratories;Wadai 28;Tsukuba;Ibaraki Pref;Japan
Coronal multi-walled silicon nanotubes
Yuanshuai Zhu~;Zhibei Qu~;Guilin Zhuang~a;Wulin Chen~a;Jianguo Wang~ a.Institute of Industrial Catalysis;College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science;Zhejiang University of Technology;Hangzhou 310032;Zhejiang;China;b.Department of Chemistry;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200241;China
Waste biomass from production process co-firing with coal in a steam boiler to reduce fossil fuel consumption:A case study
Hongyan Gu~a;Kai Zhang~b;Yaodong Wang~;Ye Huang~d;Neil Hewitt~d;Anthony P Roskilly~c a.Electrical Engineering College;Guizhou University;Guiyang 550025;Guizhou;China;b.National Engineering lab for Biomass Power Generation Equipment;School of Renewable Energy;North China Electric Power University;Beijing 102206;China;c.Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research;Newcastle University;Newcastle Upon Tyne;NEl 7RU;UK;d.School of Built Environment;University of Ulster;Newtownabbey BT37 OQB;UK
A design of experiments approach for the development of plasma synthesized Sn-silicate catalysts for the isomerization of glucose to fructose
Toon Witvrouwen~;Jan Dijkmans~b;Sabine Paulussen~a;Bert Sels~b a.Materials Department;Flemish Institute for Technological Research;Boeretang 200;2400 Mol;Belgium;b.Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis;Katholieke Universiteit Leuven;Kasteelpark Arenberg 23;3001 Heverlee;Belgium
Syngas cleaning with nano-structured micro-porous ion exchange polymers in biomass gasification using a novel downdraft gasifier
Galip Akay~;C.Andrea Jordan~b;Abdulaziz H.Mohamed~a a.Process Intensification and Miniaturization Centre;School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials;Newcastle University;Newcastle upon Tyne;NE1 7RU;UK;b.ITI Energy Limited;Advanced Manufacturing Park;Brunel Way;Rotherham S60 5WG;UK
Effect of initial precursor concentration on TiO2 thin film nanostructures prepared by PCVD system
Hoang Hai Nguyen~a;Dong-Joo Kim~a;Dong-Wha Park~b;Kyo-Seon Kim~ a.Department of Chemical Engineering;Kangwon National University;Chuncheon;Kangwon-Do;200-701;Republic of Korea;b.Department of Chemical Engineering and RIC-ETTP;Inha University;253 Yonghyun-dong;Nam-gu;Incheon;402-751;Republic of Korea
Regeneration of C4H10 dry reforming catalyst by nonthermal plasma
Y.S.Mok~;E.Jwa~b;Y.J.Hyun~a a.Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering;Jeju National University;Jeju 690-756;Republic of Korea;b.Korea Institute of Energy Research;Jeju 699-903;Republic of Korea
Kinetics of hydrogen sulfide decomposition in a DBD plasma reactor operated at high temperature
E.Linga Reddy;J.Karuppiah;Ch.Subrahmanyam~* Energy and Environmental Research Lab;Department of Chemistry;Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad;Yeddumailaram;Andhra Pradesh;India-502205
Methane conversion under cold plasma over Pd-containing ionic liquids immobilized on γ-Al2O3
Xiuling Zhang~*;Lanbo Di;Qian Zhou College of Physical Science and Technology;Dalian University;Dalian 116622;Liaoning;China
A zirconium modified Co/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch catalyst prepared by dielectric-barrier discharge plasma
Yunhui Jiang;Tingjun Fu;Jing Lü;Zhenhua Li~* Key Lab for Green Chemical Technology of Ministry of Education;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China