Applied and Environmental Chemistry of Animal Manure:A Review
Zhongqi HE;Paulo H.PAGLIARI;Heidi M.WALDRIP;USDA-ARS;Southern Regional Research Center;Department of Soil;Water;and Climate;University of Minnesota;Southwest Research and Outreach Center;USDA-ARS;Conservation and Production Research Laboratory;
Assessment of Plant-Driven Mineral Weathering in an Aggrading Forested Watershed in Subtropical China
ZUO Shuangmiao;YANG Jinling;HUANG Laiming;David G.ROSSITER;ZHANG Ganlin;State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture;Institute of Soil Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Section of Crop & Soil Sciences;Cornell University;
Major Elements in Soils Along a 2.8-km Altitudinal Gradient on the Tibetan Plateau,China
WANG Zhaofeng;Alfred E.HARTEMINK;ZHANG Yili;ZHANG Hua;DING Mingjun;Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Wisconsin-Madison;Department of Soil Science;FD Hole Soils Lab;Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake and Watershed Resarch;Ministry of Education;Jiangxi Normal University;