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Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
2006 Issue 3
tou gao xu zhi
pets5 ce shi yan jiu
liu kuan ping ; ding na ; cao xiao yan
On the Mechanism and Pattern of Multidimensional English Instruction
XU Ying-jun;MA Yong-gang
On Abandonment of Expectation
XIONG Xue-liang
An Analysis on the Social Function Loanwords in Cross - cultural Communication
QIU Rong-qing;BAI Li-hong
On Intertextuality of Translation
The Manipulation by Patronage on Translation
WEI Qing-guang
A Comparative Study of Sholokhov and Pasputin
WANG Li-dan
Myth - Archetype Criticism on Eudora Welty's Works
GUO Li-ying
On the Developing Female Self- construction
LI Jin
ji chu ying yu xie zuo ke san san jiao xue fa shi jian
tian jin wai guo yu xue yuan ying yu xi ji chu ying yu xie zuo ke cheng zu