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Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2014 Issue 3
Some properties of countable filtered maximal sets
JIANG Guanghao;,ZHAN Shiyuan;
αS-weak θ-refinable subsets and S-weak θ-refinable sum space
CAO Jinwen;,WU Zhaoxin;,ZHANG Yanjie;
Effect of N/C ratio on cytocompatibility of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with carbon nitride coatings
CAO Ye;,DONG Lei;,LI Dejun;,LIU Xiaoqi;,ZHAO Mengli;
Removing Cd(Ⅱ) from water by nanoscale zero-valent iron entrapped in chitosan beads
LIU Tingyi;,WANG Zhongliang;,YAN Xiaoxing;
Subcellular localization of two transcription factors with homeodomain in rice
LI Zhenglong;,LUAN Weijiang;,SHEN Ao;
Effects of grazing activity on true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) on typical grassland
CHEN Yitong;,LIU Lin;,LIU Qiang;,XING Xing;,YI Wenbo;,ZHU Gengping;
Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of physical characteristics on Han in Anhui and Shandong province with other nineteen ethnic groups
bao jin ping ;, song lan ;, wang zhi bo ;, wu ya wen ;, xu guo chang ;, yu ke li ;, zhang shang cai ;, zhang xing hua ;, zhao da peng ;
Synthesis and characterization of bis(4-fluorinated phenyl)-3'-diethoxyl phosphonyl phenyl phosphine oxide
TANG Hongying;,ZHANG Chengfeng;,ZHANG Zhongbiao;
Synthesis and characterization of mixed-complex Cu(Ⅰ) complex composed of 1, 10-phenanthroline and 4,5-bis(diphenylphosphine)-9,9-dimethyl-xanthene
han xian zhu ;, liu zuo ;, liu wang sheng ;, shen zuo zuo ;, wang bin ;, xia zhong ;, xu jin cheng ;, yan yu ;, zhao pu ;
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of metal complex from ofloxacin
ZHANG Hua;,ZHANG Shuyuan;,ZHANG Xin;