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Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2010 Issue 4
Average errors of Hermite-Fejér interpolation on Wiener space
XIA Ying;PEI Xinnian;XU Guiqiao
Research on pipelining management mode of human resource system based on B/S
DING Lei;SHEN Huizhang;BO Tao;WANG Tong;ZHOU Yancong;WANG Xiaosong;WEI Qing;CHEN Xingchao
Study on dynamic complex network evolving models with uniform and power-law mixed distributions
PEI Weidong;XIA Wei;WANG Quanlai;ZHAO Ziping;MA Xirong
Investigation on water environment in Tuanbo reservoir and discussion on ecological restoration measures
LIN Chunyou;WANG Yupei;JIANG Honghai;YANG Shufang;BIAN Pixiu;SUN Yue
Study on four human population genetic characters of Mongolian in Yunnan
LIU Haiping;ZHENG Lianbin;LU Shunhua;YU Huixin
Study on protoplast preparation and regeneration of Trametes robiniophila
GUO Chengjin;YANG Zimei
Generating algorithm for all graceful labeling of graceful graph
TANG Baoxiang;REN Han
Comparative study of leaf gas exchanges in six greening tree species
QI Shuxiang;LI Qingfang;MA Chengcang;SANG Yuan
Stem diameter micro-changes of Sorbaria sorbifolia and Prunus triloba and the causes
LIU Zhihong;LI Qingfang;MA Chengcang;ZHANG Jianhua
Electrical characteristics of 650 nm wavelength diodes
FENG Liefeng;LI Yang;CONG Hongxia;WANG Cunda
Study on approach on leasehold real estate appraisal
JIN Jianqing
First-principles study of OⅠ vacancy of PbTiO3
MENG Ting;SONG Zhaotao;SHAN Xiaoyou;ZHAO Hui