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Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2006 Issue 3
Study on Relaion of Information and Urban Economic Growth
LIU Hui;ZHEN Feng;ZHOU Hong-sheng
Application of Technique Economy Analysis in the Bond Income Model
DU Zhong-cheng;LIU Dong-mei
Preparation and Microstructure of PLZT Functional Nanoceramics
HE Ju;WANG Li-qun;SU Jie;HE Li;YU Da-shu
A Class of Approximate Identities
GUO Chun-you;LI Guo-quan
Penalty Function of a Kind of Alternate Renewal Risk Processes
LAN De-xin;ZHANG Chun-sheng
Asymptotic Behavior for Second-Order Nonlinear Difference Equations
L(U) Xiao-jing;HUANG Chun-sheng;GUO Hai-xia
Approximation of Anisotropic Besov Classes by Wavelet
JIANG Yan-jie;WANG Xin-zhe
Effects of Different Nutritions Combination on the Growth of Penaeus vananmei
CHEN Li-xin;LI Nai-xiang;ZHAO Cui-ping;ZHANG Chun-sheng;CHEN Cheng-xun
RFLP Analysis of Mitochondrial Cyt b Gene on Mitten Crabs
MA Cheng-xue;DAI Wei;WANG Qian;LI Xiao-dong;WANG Xiao-mei
Study of Purifying Effect of Salvinia natans in Eutrophicate Water
YU Xi;LIU Xiang-jun;SHI Fu-chen
The Variation of Circumference Values of Uzbek Adults
LI Shu-yuan;ZHENG Lian-bin
Synthesis, Characteristics and Activities of Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase with Mono- and Di-nuclear Mimic Complexes
ZHAO Ru;SHANG Yong-chun;WANG Dong-hai;LIU Xiao-lan;MIAO Fang-ming
Prediction of the Secondary Structure and B-Cell Epitope of Human Mast Cell Chymase
JIANG Zhi-qin;DU Qi-shi;ZHENG Hui-qin
Preparation of β-TCP/HAP Composite Ceramics
ZHAO Hong;LIU Tong-jun;YANG De-an