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Journal of Tianjin Agricultural College
2007 Issue 1
Study on Oil Content and Drought-resistance of Several Wild Herbal Plants
ZHANG Wei-yu;YANG Jing-hui;LIU Yan-jun;LI Jian-ke;CHEN Xiao-hong;ZHANG Lei
Study on Correlation of Nitrogen Forms with Nitrogen Absorption Contents of Maize
TIAN Xiu-ping;XUE Jing-fang;HAN Xiao-ri
Breeding Report of Food Corn Hybrid Variety: Jinnong No.1
GAO Da-xiang;WANG Peng-wen;WANG Guo-qin;YANG Yong;XIANG Chun-yang
Measurement Gauge Management System Based on Intranet
LIU Yu-le;LIU Yuan;HUA Xu-feng;WANG Xing-jie
Design of Digital Thermometer Based on Single-chip Microcomputer Control
ZHANG Zhi-Yong;WEI Yong;SHAN Hui-Yong
Progress of Spatial Data Mining in ITS Research
PENG Long-jun;WU Xiao;LI Xiao-jun;WEI Dong-sheng
Effects of Silicon Fertilization on Moisture Content and Moisture Capacity of Ameristand 201 Alfalfa
TIAN Fu-ping;CHEN Zi-xuan;ZHANG Zi-he;LI Shang-zhong
Studies on Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation of Anigozanthos manglesii
WANG Ming-qi;WANG Xin-yue;PENG Li-xin;SHI Yan-yu
Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Characteristics of Leaf of Nectarine Tree in Greenhouse
HOU Xin-cun;LI Heng-jie;GAO Dong-sheng;LI Meng;JIANG Feng-guang;LI Xian-li
Callus Formation and Bud Regeneration of Melilotus suaveolens
LI Jian-ke;HUANG Jun-xuan;LI Shuang-yue;YANG Jing-hui;LIU Yan-jun;HUA Xiu-de;ZHANG Lei
Water Quality Variation in Recycled Water Aquiculture System of Covering Membrane Etange
LI Jian-guo;ZHAO Dong-yan;SUN Cheng-bo;SHI Wen-ge
Discussion on Connection of Math Between Middle School and Institution of Higher Education
CHEN Jing;ZHOU Zhi-jian;WANG Lai-sheng
Thoughts of Chemistry Education in Agricultural Universities
XU Xiao-ping
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