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Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science)
2011 Issue 12
Mapping on Standard C*-algebras Preserving Comparison for Positive Elements
FANG Xiaochun;ZHAO Dong;XU Xiaoming
Three Dimensional Trees Emulation Based or Parametric L-system
SHI Yintao;CHENG Xiaojun;ZHANG Hongfei
Numerical Simulation on Load Transfer Mechanism of Multi-interface Composite Rockbolt
REN Feifan;XU Chao;CHEN Wenwu
Review on Torque Interruption and Its Solutionof Automated Mechanical Transmission
ZHONG Zaimin;KONG Guoling;YU Zhuoping;KONGGuoping
Simulation of Chemical Adsorption for SO2 in Fuel Cell Cathode Air Filter
LV Hong;LIU Pai;CAI Shujuan;MA Jianxin
Phosphorus Forms and Vertical Distribution in Sediments of Urban Rivers in Chaohu City
YANG Changming;XU Chen;YIN Daqiang;LI Jianhua
Threshold Value of Indices of Eye States to Monitor Drive Fatigue
PAN Xiaodong;LI Junxian;XU Xiaodong
Optimization Model for Traffic Microcirculation Network Design
SHI Feng;WANG Yingzi;CHEN Qun
Evaluation Model of Urban Road Network System Capacity
XIE-Hui;YU Xiaohua;YAN Kefei
Probabilistic-based Optimization of Maintenance Actions for Deteriorating RC Bridges
TIAN Hao;CHEN Airong;CHEN Liang
Performance of 2,4, 6-trichlorophenol Adsorption by Powdered Activated Carbon
MA Yan;GAO Naiyun;LIU Xinran;YAO Juanjuan
Fusion of Remote Sensing Images Based on Sensor Spectral Response and Classification
NI Cui;GUAN Zequn;LIN Yi
Fluorescence Exciation-emission Matrix Analysis of HAAs Precursor in Huangpu River Water
HUANG Xin;MEI-Hong;GAO Naiyun;DING Guoji
Durability Performance of a Warm Asphalt Product During Hot Storage
LIANG Yajun;HUANG Wanli;MA Xurong;XU Zhihong
Laboratory Experimental Study on Shanghai Fine Sand Along Different Stress Paths
PENG Fangle;BAI Xiaoyu;LEI Liang
Navigation Calculation Model for Airborne SINS and Its Accuracy Analysis
LIU Chun;ZHOU Fagen
Solution to Global Optimization of Concave Function Via Optimal Control Method
ZHU Jinghao;ZHANG Jie
Development and Application of a 2D Tidal Flow Model with an Unstructured Mesh
KUANG Cuiping;LIU Xu;ZHEN Siyu;LIU Shuguang
A Simulation-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model for Incident Management on Hangzhou Bay Bridge
HAN Shu;WANG Xuesong;FANG Shouen;CHEN Xiaohong