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Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science)
2008 Issue 6
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Enterprise Internal Risk
DAI Yi;HUO Jiazhen;ZHANG Qian
Input-Occupy-Output Partial Closed-Consumption Model Based on Fixed Investment
ZHANG Wenjuan;YOU Jianxin
Pricing Analysis of DE LI BAO-Related Financial Product
WANG Yang;BIAN Baojun;CHEN Jie
Pricing of Defaultable Fund with Promised Lowest Return
REN Xuemin;XU Chenglong
Semi-Analytic Computing of Constant-Toolface-Angle Curves
FANG Min;LU Gang;WANG Libo
Ordering of Unicyclic Graphs with Laplacian Spectral Radii
LIU Ying;LIU Yue
A Modified Filled Function Method
JIANG Aiping;PU Dingguo
Hypergraph-Based Marine 3D Data Model's Design and Application
OU Jianliang;BAO Feng;WANG Weian;YANG Bin
A New Approximation Operator of Rough Fuzzy Sets
CHENG Yi;MIAO Duoqian;LIU Yong;FENG Qinrong
Experimental Study on Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of Plate Evaporative Cooler
XU Wangfa;ZHANG Xu;LUO Haiyan
Thermal Comfort Requirements in Air-Conditioned Residences in Hot-Humid Climate
CHENG Mingren;Huang Ruilong
Study of Low Frequency Limit of Statistical Energy Analysis for Complex Structure
WANG Yigang;WANG Zuomin;YANG Zhigang
Enabling Technologies of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System
LV Chao;LI Aiping;XU Liyun
Semi Empirical Model of Parasite System Power For Fuel Cell Engine
HOU Yongping;ZHUANG Mingxi;WAN Gang
Numerical Simulation of Plastic Deformation for Materials with Randomly Distributed Pores
HE Pengfei;ZHU Xiaolin;PAN Qiongyao;ZHENG Bailin
Chemical Transport from a Point Source into Osmotic Half Space
XI Yonghui;YU Yi;CHEN Guangjing
Bionics Fat Cell Modification and Its Application to Removal of Lindane from Aqueous Solution
SONG Liyan;ZHAO Youcai;WANG Guojian
Influence of Heat Treatment Temperature on Characteristics of TiO2 Film Photocatalyst
QIU Yanling;ZHAO Jianfu;LI Tian;ZHU Zhiliang
Fuzzy Evaluation Model and Its Application Research of Ranking Shipping Form
HE Xinhua;HU Wenfa;HUO Jiazhen
Typical Causes and Countermeasures of Moisture Damage for Asphalt Pavement
YANG Ruochong;LIANG Xisan;LAI Yongman
Settlement of Runway Subgrade Under Moving Aircraft Loads
YANG Fei;YANG Yuliang;SUN Lijun
Analysis and Control of Upward Moving of Shield Tunnel Under Construction
YE Fei;ZHU Hehua;DING Wenqi;YANG Hongwei
Meso-mechanical Study on Piping in Sandy Soils
ZHOU Jian;YAO Zhixiong;BAI Yanfeng;ZHANG Jiao
Practical Calculation of Beam-Arch Association Bridge Under Uniform Load
YI Yunkun;XIAO Rucheng
Shaking Table Experimental Study on a Super Tall-Building with High-Level Transfer Storey
LU Xilin;CHEN Yue;LU Wensheng;ZHOU Ying
Experiment on Seismic Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Frame Joints with Spread-Ended Beams
SU Xiaozu;LIU Qingwen;LU Yunian;ZHAO Yong