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Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institutes
2013 Issue 4
Development Status and Prospect of New Materials for Wall
JIANG Xiao-bo
Analysis of Language Differences in Discourse Translation
CAO Jing-zheng
Exploration and Thinking of College-Family Linkage Mode in Building Self-confidence for Vocational College Students
LI Yan;ZHANG Xiu-hong;DOU Jin-quan;MENG Da-guang;CHENG Wen
Study of Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Vocational Students Based on Hierarchical Analysis Development
WANG Chao-chen;GU Ling;WANG Xiu-ling;FENG Xiao-xiang;WU Guo-xu
Research Report on Impact of Adult Education on Satisfaction of the Masses
ZHANG Jia-jun;HE Jian-ming;LI Tian-mei;FANG Lu;LIU Li-jun;XU Wei-wei
On Topology Optimization of Truss Structures
ZHANG Xiao-dong
Analysis of QIAN Chen-qun and His Poetry Creation
YU Guang-jie;WEI Chun-mei
Analysis of How to Create a Green Demonstration Project
GAO Zhi-quan;HE Wei