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Tangdu Journal
2009 Issue 2
Ethically Standardizing News on Internet
REN Jian-dong;MENG Cai-zhen
Textual Researches on Dingkun Pool
Dong Yong-qiang
On LU Tong's Erotic Poems
ZHENG Hui-xia
A Summary of the History of Researches on Hou Han Shu
ZHONG Shu-lin
On the Conception of Developing Chinese Buddhist Culture District in Mountain Zhongnan
FANG Guang-hua;CAO Zhen-ming;WANG Da-shan;WANG Biao;DU Zhen
Strategies for Promoting the Tourist City Construction of Xi'an
CUI Yan;TONG Qin-xue
Development of Shaanxi Local TV Series
An Analysis of Zhang Zai's Taixu
WANG Hai-cheng
FENG Cong-wu's Concept on Buddhism
WANG Mei-feng
Chinese in Japan in Ming Dynasty during Wanli Battle
ZHENG Jie-xi
Chinese in Japan in Qing Dynasty and Sino -Japanese Cultural Exchange
SONG Pu Zhang;GE Ji-yong