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Tangdu Journal
2007 Issue 3
xi an wen li xue yuan xue ren feng cai
Aesthetic Pursuit of Modern Social Cognition
OU Yang-bin
Studies on morpheme-inversed words in dialects
Probe into Semantic Collocation in Wording and Phrasing
A second Thought on Chinese New Words
ZHAO Xi-tao;ZHU Xiao-qin
The Direction Verbs in Huxian Dialect
SUN Li-xin
Cultural and Textual Image of Peach in Tao Hua Shan
CHENG Yu-ang
On Grand Strategy System of U.S.A.during the Cold War
BAI Jian-cai
Legalization of Sustainable Development Strategies
YIN Feng
The Change of Kant's Moral Feelings Theory
LV Hong-bo
On Change of Wash and Ink in Tang Paintings
ZOU Man-xing
An Analysis of the Chinese Surname YANG XIONG(扬雄)
WEN Yong-ning
Textual Research on Chinese Ancient Palace Poems
WANG Yu-hong
Establishment and Influence of Tong Dao Guan in Northern Zhou Dynasty
LIU Lin-kui;PU Hui
On the Titles and Status of Recluses in Ancient China
HU Yi-peng