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Tangdu Journal
2005 Issue 4
LI De-yu and Conflicts Between the Two Political Parties of NIU and LI
LUO Yan-ping;SHI Hong
An Analysis of Investigations on the Awareness of Legality of Farmers in the Eastern Shaanxi Province
DUAN Xiao-mei;WANG Xiang-hua;XIE Xuan-zhi
An Analysis of Solutions to Rural Surplus Labourers
LI Jiao-ping;Xin FANG
Managing Small Towns in Shaanxi Province
SU Xia
An Analysis of MOU Zong-san's Viewpoints on Chinese and Western Culture
WEI Lin-zhen;Zhong Hai
On the Commercial Ethics and Modern Value of Huizhou Businessmen
On Influences of the Western Moral Concepts in China
LI Ping
LU Yao's Peasant Makings and the Local Culture of Northern Shaanxi
Shi Hua;HE Zhi-li
Postmodernism and Contemporary Films
ZENG Yao-nong
Establishing Constitutionism for A Harmonious Society
SHAO Chang-peng
On Chapter Headings in The Book of Songs
HAN Hong-tao
On Construction of a Harmonious Society from the Angle of Literature
HAN Wei;CHENG Jin-cheng
The Gist of Socialist Harmonious Society
MA Wen-bao;LIU Yong-fu