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Railway Construction Technology
2003 Issue z1
Measures for enhancing environmental protection during construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
cao yu xin ; ma tian ming ; fang li hui ; sun zhi qian
Construction machinery and equipment for subgrade at paramos with high altitude
ding yao guo ; liu hai rong
Environmental protection of the permafrost zone over plateau during construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
yang wen xuan ; ding shou quan ; zhang yun ping
Frozen soil excavation technologies
li han qing
Key technologies for railway construction at permafrost zone over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
dong qian ; li qing min ; feng yu yong
Construction technology using HC-60 rotary driller
wang yong jin
Curing of high durability concrete for Qinghai-Tibet Railway over plateau
su qing guo ; cao wei hong
Construction technology of concrete at permafrost zone
cao yu xin ; xu lan min ; ma tian ming ; fang li hui ; yan xue bin ; sun zhi qian
Oxygen supply for a tunnel of high altitude during its construction
liu wan qi ; zhang yun ping
Construction technology of Kunlun Mountain Tunnel
yang xiao chun
New method for construction of embankment at permafrost zone
nie qing wen
Concrete curing of bridge pier and abutment at paramos by means of warm shed
yang xi wen ; song xiao bing
Dry hole-forming method for cast-in-site bored pile at permafrost zone
ren wen sheng ; zuo jian xuan
Construction technology for under-reamed bored pile by rotary driller
yang xi wen ; qian li jun
Construction of cast-in-site bored pile for Shala Longren bridge
li de xing ; liu hai rong
A research over design and construction of culverts at permafrost zone
ma tian ming ; cao yu xin
Construction of inserted pile foundation culvert at permafrost zone
peng wei qing ; sun zhi qian ; fang li hui
Construction of corrugated metal pipe culvert for Qinghai-Tibet Railway
li xi ya ; cao yu xin ; xu lan min ; yin de xue
Culvert projects of Qinghai-Tibet Railway at permafrost zone
xu cun liang ; yang jun
Construction technology of pile foundation for Wudaoliang Extra Large Bridge
zhang zuo hong ; li fang dong ; xu lan min ; cao yu xin
Design and construction of pile foundation at permafrost zone
zhang le qun
Quality control over bridge construction at permafrost zone
hao ling xu ; ding zhao jun
Construction technology of heat-insulated slab subgrade at permafrost zone
su qing guo ; cao wei hong
Making great efforts for a first class plateau railway
peng jiang hong
New survey method over plateau
jia ji jie
Control survey for Qinghai-Tibet Railway at permafrost zone
chen peng ; yu ying zhou ; zhou zuo ; zhang yin jun
On cost control of railway construction over plateau
wu ze pei ; bai chao ze ; xu lan min ; cao yu xin ; zuo ming zhong
Six hundred examples of altitude reaction and acclimation time
liao ju lun ; yu guo shu
Difficuh points for health care of Qinghai-Tibet Railway project and countermeasures
zhu tong chun ; liu jing liang ; chai zuo chun ; yu guo shu ; dong wei ya ; tu bao kun ; fang zhong hou
Construction of a camp at permafrost zone
du yang
Techunlogy for oxygen making over plateau
li de quan
Logistic service for construction staff of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
gong xiang peng
Management over material supply for plateau railway construction
yang guang wen
Measures for quality control over road cutting at permafrost zone
peng wei qing ; yu ju zhou
Excavation of a road cutting for Qinghai-Tibet Railway at permafrost zone
peng wei qing ; wu ze pei
Construction of reinforced subgrade at permafrost zone
fang li hui ; cao yu xin
Common defects in embankment at permafrost zone and protective measures
peng wei qing ; sun zhi qian ; fang li hui
Construction of embankment at wet land
liu hai rong
Protective technology for sand damage to subgrade of Qinghai-Tibet Railway
cao yu xin ; li xi ya ; yan xue bin ; zhu chao
Construction of road cutting in frozen soil with high ice content
yuan ren zeng ; yang jun
Design and construction of subgrade drainage at permafrost zone
zhang yun ping
Construction of water-stop ridge for subgrade at permafrost zone
zuo jian xuan ; nie qing wen