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Journal of Railway Engineering Society
2008 Issue 9
Analyses of FEM Based on the Visco-Elasto-Plasticity of Reinforced Cohesion Soil Retaining Wall by Geogrids
XIAO Cheng-zhi;LIU Bo;SUN Jian-cheng;LUAN Mao-tian
Slope Stability Analysis of Sand Embankment for Expressway Engineering
JIANG Xin;LING Jian-ming;TAN Wei;WANG Xin-tian
Discussion on the PPP Financing Pattern in Railway Construction of China
LIU Dong-mei;HAN Tong-yin
Environmental Harm and Countermeasures for Water Outburst in Mountain Tunnel Construction
GAN Kun-rong;JIANG SU;Li Yuan-hai
Construction Technology of the High Pressure and Enriched Water Fault F1 in Bieyancao Tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway
WANG Shu-guo;ZHANG Min-qing;HUANG Hong-jian;CHEN Wei-yuan;YIN Huai-lian
Research on the Force Test of Rail Welded Joints
LUO Wen-jun;LIAN Song-liang
Experimental Research on the 68 kg/m Rails for Heavy Haul Railway
CHEN Zhao-yang;ZHANG Yin-hua;ZHOU Qing-yue;LIU Feng-shou
Research on the Growth of Fatigue Crack of Rail Steel under Moment of Flexure Condition
HU Jia-jie;WANG Wen-jian;ZHONG Wen;LIU Qi-yue
Research on the Detection Method of CPⅢ Points Stability in Fine Adjustment of Ballastless Track
XU Xiao-zuo;LIU Cheng-long;YANG You-tao