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Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
2014 Issue 1
Network traffic modeling based on homogeneity and ON/OFF
DUAN Hu;,GAO Bo;,WANG Changwei;
Optimization of hybrid power system based on particle swarm algorithm
GUO Guifang;,YUAN Jixuan;,ZHOU Shiqiong;
Warpage optimization of alligator part formed by FDM 3D printing
JIANG Junxia;,LAI Zhouyi;
Design of integrated poly-phase filter in GSM handset RFIC
CHEN Xu;,WANG Xinan;,XU Feng;
Coaxial visible and infrared dual-band imaging system
HU Tao;,REN Xianyi;,ZHANG Jihong;
Modular cloud storage with encryption and redundant splitting
CHEN Jianyong;,WANG Bo;,ZHENG Hongying;
Newly discovered solution to digital TV gateway
HOU Haixin;,LEI Yangmei;
Anti-virus techniques discovered from computer virus intrusion
GAO Xuemei;
Chinese sentence similarity computing based on semantic dependency matching
LIANG Dongying;,WANG Weiming;
Urban bicycle traffic situation and countermeasures
ZHAN Baibin;,ZHAO Xiaoju;
All-digital spray circuit board with zero emission of pollution
LIU Yangming;,LIU Yi;
Automobile active interior noise control and its application
FU Huimin;,YUAN Jixuan;
Research status of cleaner production in electroplating
DONG Xiaoqing;,LI Zhiguo;
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