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Journal of Shaoyang University
2013 Issue 1
Research on System of Director's Liability Limitation
ZHU Hui-yu
tan dui li shi ren wu de ping jia
Discussion on Cultivate Mode of Local Undergraduate College Students' Quality
ZHANG Song-qing;YOU Zhen-Hua
Xu Shichang and the Japanese Thought
JIA Shu-cun
Path of the Technical Innovation and Development of Two-type Agriculture
LIU Hong-feng;LI Hui-liang
Illustrations of Some Words in Hanyu Da Cidian
LUO Guo-qiang
The Construction of Modern Cultural Industry System
WANG Zheng-guo
The Semantic Types of Microcosmic Symmetry in Chinese Idioms
LONG Qing-ran
Mao Zedong and the Chinization of Marxism
The Contentand Characteristics of Huxiang Traditional Ecological Values
LI Hong-qiong;YANG Hui-lan;HUANG Jian-zhong
A Research on the Lineage of Wei Yuan
YIN Hong-mei