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Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2000 Issue 1
A bound for LS scheduling
ZHAO Chuan-li;TANG Heng-yong
An inequality about matrix determinants
LUO Cheng-Xin
The comparison of different solutions in analytical mechanics
JIANG Yu-ming
The backup accomplishment of groups of data files in application
WU Qing-zhou;GONG Jing
Analysis and exploration of ISDN
ZHANG Hao-hua;ZHAO Zi-fu
Investigating ortho-effect
SU Gui-tian
Design and function test of intermission rectification experiment
KANG Ying-dan;REN Cai-yu
Morphological and anatomical research on Red Chinese Tusser with genetic death
LIU Zhi-guo;MAO Hong-yu;ZHANG Xian-yong
Three new species of calliphoridae from Sichuan, China (Dpitera)
FENG Yah;XUE Wan-qi
Study of the benthic marine algae of the Huludao coast
SUI Zhan-ying
Pondering over the hurdles course for girl in university
YANG Yu-chen
On the summation processes about power of natural number
YU Yong-ren
The usage of “discovery method” in physics teaching
JIN Shou-qiang