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Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
1999 Issue 5
da hua ji shu tiao jia san - ren dong ke ji shu tiao jia san de yi ge xin bian xing
sun jian you ; luo feng xia ; yin feng qin
adobe photoshop zai yuan lin yi shu she ji zhong de ying yong
liang ning yu ; liang yan
dan xiang bian ya qi zu -v lian jie de jing ji yun xing fang shi fen xi
wang gui ying ; xu yan
Advance of Vacuum Freeze-dried Tednology
WANG Xi-bo
Current Situation and Prospects of Biotecbnique Application in Strawberry Genetic Improvements
yu dong mei ; hu wen yu ; wang guan lin
The Environmental Fate of Sulfonyhrea Herbicide
ai ying wei ; fan zhi jin ; qian chuan fan
Mathematical Abstraction Degree and Abstraction Relation Degree
wu su wen ; zhang guo wei
Studies on the Purification Conditions of Photosynthetic Bacteria on Farming Water
HAN Mei;CHEN Xi-shi;LI Yi
The Mathematical Models of Evapotranspiration of Rice in Shenyang Area
chi dao cai ; he bao an ; lv feng liang ; lin wen hua ; gao chun ; yu ling feng
Studies on the Crochet Numbers of Abdominal Legs of Larvae for Different Varieties of Antheraea pernyi
liu yan qun ; yu shou xin ; li yu ping ; zhang tao ; qin li ; gao yu zhang
The Application of Reineke Density Index in Research of Japanese Larch Stand Natural Sparse Model
hui shu rong ; liu qiang ; zhang guo wei
A New Species of Krantzholaspis From (Acari: Parholaspidae)
yin sui gong ; bei na xin ; lv cheng jun
Identification of the Species in Ditylenchus from China
LIU Qing-li;LIU Wei-zhi;LIU Ye;ZHAO Hong-hai
Studies on Occurrence Pattern of Rough Gentian Leaf Blight and Its Control
yao yuan ; fu jun fan ; wang chong ren ; zhang jian zhong
The Developing 0t the Polyfuntional Wound Dressing in Preventing and Curing Rotten Disease of Apple Trees
GAO Yu-jun;MA Bao-jun;MA Shuang-ma;DING Wen-jun
The Fertility and Supplying Amounts of Soil Nutrients in the Arable land in Shenyang Area
yang wei qi ; xu yu pei ; zhang zhong yuan ; cui jun zuo ; li ji zhi ; yu meng
Preliminary Study on Effects of Magnetic Treatment Soil on Crops Growth
yi yan li ; liu xiao yi ; xia li hua ; yang wei qi
An Analysis of Energy Flow Structure in Taoxian Agroecosystem
ZHAO Tian-hong;LUO Chang-guo;ZHAO Yi-xin;DING Yu-rong
Quantitative Evaluation of Inter-cropping and Mixed Cropping
LIU Yu-hua
Comparative Study on the Physiological Characters of the Three Nursery Seedlings for the Early Hybrid Rice
yang de guang ; cai ming li ; duan zhi hong ; liu cheng liu
Observations of the Stomatal Distribution in Typical Japonica
li lei zuo ; meng lei ; chen wen fu ; xu zheng jin ; liu li xia ; hou xiu ying
Effect of Water Stress on Stomatal Density, Length width and Net Rate in Rice Leaves
MENG Lei;LI Lei-xin;CHEN Wen-fu;XU Zheen-jin;LIU Li-xia