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Jiangsu Salt Science & Technology
2016 Issue 3
Study on synthesis Technology of diethyl adipate using copper methanesulfonate as catalyst
Yang Chengfa;,LI Gan;,Wang Detang;,Wang Jie;
Design of Control System of Asphalt Mixing Plant Based on PAC
Liu Bin;,Zhao Dandan;,Cao Jiansheng;
The method on Determination of Strontium in Calcium acetate
Zhu Changwu;,Wang Yuanyou;,Zhou Hui;,Cheng Guoqiang;
Study on Preparation and Performance of Polyacrylate Emulsion Used as Wood Assembly Adhesive
Dong Liming;,Zhou Jun;,Huang Ju;,Song Ming;
Research on the Development of Novel Nano-Composite Coating
Yang Dan;,Hu Zhixue;
Determination of Chromium Slag in Spectrophotometry (VI) Study
Mahathir sub-Esther Jiang;,Bahar Guli Buick tursun;
AFS-based Determination of Sn in Geological Samples
Zhu Mingjuan;,Tian Xin;
The New Development of Research on Synthesis of Diethyl adipate
Wang Jinxing;,Li Gan;,Wang Detang;,Tian Hua;
Study on Synthesis of the Diketene
Pan Shuo;
The Application Research of Macroporous Absorption Resin in Environment
Hu jianguo;,Zhu genhua;,Yan zhihong;,Yuan en;,Xiong yaokun;
Design of High Efifciency Waste Heat Utilization Training Device
Liu Bin;,Zhao Dandan;,Yang Xu;
The Improvement Measures of Silicocalcium Smelting Process
Wang Jianjun;
Common Failures and Maintenance Methods of Chemical Instruments
Wang Qi;,Zhang Nan;
The Design and Test Offriction Peeling Machine for Mushroom Niang
Li Xin;,Feng Haixin;,Liu Shan;,Liu Tingting;,Zhang Sun;,Zhang Chunzhi;
Development Trend Analysis of Bio-composting Technology of Engineering lfy Based on Patent Map
Wu Xiaowen;,Long Haifei;,Niu Congcong;
Research on the Teaching Reform of Applied Chemistry Experiment
Jiang Dingyang;
The Continuity and Discontinuity of the Chinese Culture
Dai Xiaohang;
The Game of Go and the Game Theory
Dai Xiaohang;