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Journal of Shaoyang University(Natural Science)
2008 Issue 1
Discussion on Ecological Landscape Planning in Mount Yun, Wugang City
YANG Xian-jun;DENG Yun-ye
A New Feature Selection Algorithm in Text Categorization
XU Jian-ming;YANG Lei;HUANG Tong-cheng
Research on the high accuracy PWB Making
CHEN Wei;GU Si-si
Design of flow counting system based on Mine vehicle orbit
wang fang ; tang guang hua
Appreciation of Matrix Theory and Meditation about Mathematical Philosophy
ZHANG Fu-xing;PENG Yue-hui;LIU Shui-feng;DU Chao-xiong
The energy of the complement of a strongly regular graph
ZHOU Houqing;XuLi-Xin
Nonoscillation for a Differential System with Deviated Argumets on Measure Chains
LIU Guang-hui;LIU Lan-chu;CHEN Da-xue
Pricing a Kind of Looking Back-reset Call Option with Ornstein-Uhlenback Process
LIU Shao-rong;YANG Xiang-qun
Application of the cartridge filter in the shot blasting machine
ZHOU Wen-sheng;ZHANG Wei;LIU Jian-shen
Application of Asphere in the Design of the camera lens
ZHANG Qian-ping;DENG Gang-feng;ZENG Yang-su
Design of WEB-based Course-selection System
CHEN Yong;CHEN Jian-li
A Fast Optimization Algorithm for Low Dimensional Function
PU Bao-xing;YANG Lu-ming