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Laboratory Animal Science
2009 Issue 2
The Effect of Combining Diazepam and Sodium Pentobarbital on Anesthesia in Mice
GUO De-yu;TIAN Xin;ZHU Zi-xin;YE Cui-fei;ZHENG Wen-rong;WANG Yu-feng
Microsatellite Analysis in 3 Kunming Mice Outbred Colonies
SHANG Hai-tao;WEI Hong;YUE Bing-fei;XU Ping
tou gao xu zhi
Research Advances of Animal Models of Fulminant Hepatic Failure
WANG Yan;TANG Zhi-min
Introduction to Local Standards of Laboratory Animal Cage Metabolic Cage in Jiangsu Province
liu nian shuang ; zhang mei ; meng qun ; lu yi hong ; zong wei feng ; xiao hang ; zhou gong sheng
Simply Discussion on ELISA Operative Technique of Avian Disease
ZHAI Xin-yan;LU Sheng-ming
Breeding,Reproducing,and Identifying for PAX-8 Gene Knock-out Mice
CHEN Tong-ke;CHEN Xi-wen;GUAN Min-qiang;ZHAO Hui-ling;WANG Li-hua;LIN Xiao-kun;LI An-le
The Reproduction and Vaginal Plug of Mice
ZHAI Qing-xin;ZHAO Xia;HA Hui-xin
dong tai xin xi
The Progress in Animal Model of Pathological Scar
LI Xiao-wei;LIU Hong-liang;WU Ji-xiang
The Tans-saphenous Femoral Artery Punctures Method on The China Agricultural University Mini-pigs
FENG Xue-quan;XIAO Fu-shun;LI Mu;CHEN Guang
Abnormal State of Coagulation in Experimental Colitis of Rats
PENG Tao;LIU Yu-lan
ben kan geng ming qi shi
Examining The Depressor Substance in MZR by Tiger Skin Cat
LIU Ji-feng;GU Yu;BAI Yu;TANG Shan-bo;ZHANG Li-rong;LIU Fu-ying
Intwduction to Local Standards of Laboratory Animal Cage Isolator in Jiangsu Province
liu nian shuang ; zhang mei ; meng qun ; wang zuo di ; fan xia lei ; xu zuo zuo ; xia chun yang
Analvsis of Rescue Procedure to Acute Pulmonary Edema of Rabbit
LIU Ai-min;WANG Ju
Establishment of PCR Assay for Detection of B Virus
LI Xiao-bo;XIAO Jing;FU Rui;HE Zheng-ming
Effects of Therapeutic Dose of Pantoprazole Sodium on Rat Animal Model with Acute Reflux Esophagitis
XIANG Shao-jie;QIAO Min;MENG Li;ZHANG Hui-ying;CHEN He
The Design and Usage of Slings for Minipig Restraint
LIU Ya-qian;LI Chun-hai;CHEN Hua
The Impact of Hypotensor on Rat\'s Cardiovascular Function Induced by Nicotine
WANG Kai;LIU Ding-kuo;PEI Zhi-hua