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Journal of Historical Science
2000 Issue 1
A Cheerful Achievement on the World History As A whole
zhang yi ping
On the Study of Sinology in the Early America
chou hua fei
The Historical Position of Capitalism in the 20th Century
huang an nian
Wu Mi and The Critical Review
shen wei wei
On Sun Yat-Sen's Political Design for the Period of Political Tatelage
wang yong xiang ; wang zhao gang
Yan Fu's Teaching Experience
pi hou feng
Ancient Luoyang and The South China Sea Silk Road
xu yong zuo
Explanation of the Hereditary House
zheng hui sheng
Qi Lu BOSHI and Confucianism in the Han Dynasty
an zuo zuo ; liu de zeng
Evaluate the Historical Development of Marxist History Study in a Right Way
zou zhao chen ; jiang zuo