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Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
2005 Issue 2
On the Cauchy Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Wave Equations with Damping Term
SONG Chang-ming;KONG De-Xing
On the Decay Number of a Graph
LI De-ming
Another Simple and Elementary Proof of the Classical Isoperimetric Inequality
PAN Sheng-liang;YANG Juan-na
On Semiring Semigroups
LI Shi-zheng;CHENG Tao
The Non-countable Summation Type Hahn-Schur Theorems
L(U) Tong-fu;HU Jian-hua;CHO Min-Hyung
Inequalities in Connection with Post-Widder Operators
SONG Zhan-jie
Harmonic Bergman Metric
ZHAO Zhen-gang
On σ-images of Metric Spaces
LIANG Hong-liang;YANG Wei-na
Avoidance of Blow-up by Moving Medium
YAO Li;LIU Yun-xian;YANG Peng-fei
Hyperreflexivity of Operator Algebras of the Banach Space
YUAN Guo-chang;QIN Li-ming
Category of Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
YANG Wan-cai;LI Xiao-shen
The First Eigenvalue of a Compact Manifold
ZHAO Di;YANG Jian-an
Complete Kaehler Submanifolds in CPn
SONG Xiao-xin;HU Cong-e
Deduction Theorem and Hypothetical Syllogism Rule on Fuzzy Logic System
YANG Xiao-bin;DENG Shu-xian