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Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
2004 Issue 1
Set Valued Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym Theorem
Lǔ Tong-fu;Chao Minhyung
Compact Space-like Submanifolds in Pseudo-Riemann Manifold
SUN He-jun;WU Bao-qiang
Induced Matching Number of the Plane Grid Graph
LU Xiao-xu;PEI Ming;YAO Wei-li;Zhou Ju
Edge-face Chromatic Number of 2-connected 1-tree with △(G)= 5
DONG Gui-xiang;CHEN Dong-Ling;XU Zhen-yu
On the Lucas Base and Computation of Counting Function Mean Value
LI Hai-long;LIU Hua-ke
Hamilton Graph Based on DNA Computing
ZHANG Jia-xiu
On the Distribution Property of Lehmer DH Number
Some Identities Involving Square of Fibonacci Numbers and Lucas Numbers
Liu Duan-sen;LI Chao;YANG Cun-dian
A Conjecture on Veronese Generating Submanifolds
SONG Hong-zao;SONG Xiao-xin
On the Spectral Radius of Trees with the Given Diameter d
TAN Shang-wang;GUO Ji-ming;Qi Jian
Regularity of Continuous Linear Operators on Banach Function Spaces
JIANG Nian-sheng;Chen Zi-li
Extensions and Refinements of Adamovic's Inequality
SHI Huan-nan;LI Da-mao
Oscillation of Second-order Delay Differential Equation
YIN Fu-qi;LI Yong-Kun
The Bergman Kernels on WⅢ
LU Ke-ping;ZHAO Xiao-xia