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Journal of Shanxi Economic Management Institute
2005 Issue 3
The Discussion for Marketing of Tourist Market
Spreading an Advertisement and Enterprise Culture
The Realistic Meanings of Quickening the Process of our Country's Urbanization
HUO Yong-gang;ZHANG Gui-xiang
Harmony Society and the Theory of Value-Energy
LI Yu-hai
Knowledge Service Of Library In The Knowledge Management Era
YANG Jin-mei
3A Tentative Plan on the Construction of Campus' Safety Net
ZHAO Shi-zhi
Suggestions on the Development of the Tourist Resources in Shahe Town
ZHANG Dan-rong;ZHAO Li-hua
The Characteristics of Object Oriented Programming in Java
LI Wen-fang
An Analysis to the Characteristics of the Travel Notes by Liu Zongyuan
HE Rui-fang;DU Hai-yan
On Taboos in Chinese & English Languages By
LI Zheng-yi
On the Dialectics in the Foreign Language Teaching
A Boost to the Advanced Vocational Educational Growth--To Adapt to Economic Development
shan xi sheng jiao yu ting gao zhi gao zhuan she hui zong he gong neng ke ti zu
On the Teaching Method of
YAO Yue-juan
gao jian yao qiu
Several Opinions on Tourist Environmental Management
WANG Jin-zhi
The Risks of Property Management Enterprise and Its Origin Analysis
TIAN Hai-yan;TAO Quan-jun;MAI Ying
juan shou yu