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Journal of Shanxi Police Academy
2003 Issue z1
On Carrying out Attacking Vigoriously
gao zhong yu
Rational Thinking on Traffic Accidents in LinFen
chen zhan shan
Countermeasures in Risk on the Spot Handling
zhao hong tian
Exerting the Function and Serving for Civil Enterprises
wei pei jun
Promote the Police's Quality around the Main Task
cheng zhen lin
Fulfill the Duty Safeguard the People's Interest
yang an he
Thinking on Setting up "Electronic Public Security"
wang yong sheng
On Regulating the Publicity of Police Affair
jia kun lun
Study on Relation between Public Security Organs and Media
wang li bin
The Role of Propaganda in Political Progress of Public Security
wen lian sheng
Make Innovation and Defend the Building of Affluent Society
hu xiao guang
Severals Problems on Upholding Enforcement for the People
shao jian wei
Keep Pace with Time in Public Security Work
zhang jin wei