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Chinese Nursing Research
2016 Issue 27
sheng ming
Editorial Department of Chinese Nursing Research;
Research progress on continuity of care for patients with H type hypertension
Wang Li;Jin Aiping;Sun Xiao;Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital of Tongji University;
Status quo of legal education for medical students in China and its countermeasures
Li Ning;Ren Xiaohong;Xiangya Nursing School of Central South University;
Research progress on the Precede-proceed in the standard prevention of student nurses
Tian Hongmei;Li Ting;Liu Chang;Nursing College of Xinjiang Medical University;
Status quo of nursing research on patients with Wilson’s disease
Zhou Lingyan;Shanghai General Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Research progress on pressure ulcer assessment
Tang Jingping;Pi Hongying;General Hospital of PLA;
Research progress on application of traditional Chinese medicine bamboo pot method for alleviating pain in patients with orthopaedic chronic diseases
Liu Qing;Zhang Jie;Lu Jianping;Affiliated Municipal TCM Hospital of Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine;
Investigation and analysis on the illness cognition condition and medication compliance of repeated hospitalized patients with coronary heart disease
Mao Guiru;Wang Lizi;Xu Zhenzhen;Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University;
Correlation research among work pressure source,psychological capital and career of specialist nurses in ICU
Jing Xuebing;Liu Hong;Fang Xiaojie;Central Hospital of Zibo City of Shandong Province;
Influence of two different methods of Rivaroxaban and intermittent pneumatic compression pump combined with elastic socks on coagulation function of patients
Feng Chengcheng;Zhang Zhengfeng;Luo Chunmei;Xinqiao Hospital of Third Military Medical University of PLA;
Investigation on knowledge,attitude and behavior of evidence-based practice of clinical nurses in Anhui province
Yu Huan;Zhang Xinqiong;Zhao Mei;Nursing College of Anhui Medical University;
Status quo of adversity quotient of male nurses in ICU and analysis of its influencing factors
Kong Chan;Jing Jing;Zhao Jing;Tongji Hospital;Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Development of physical restraint scale for nurses in grave surgical department
Chen Qiaoling;Lin Kongrong;Lin Yang;Fujian Provincial Hospital;
Study on correlation between the prospective adaptation and professional self-concept of nursing undergraduate interns
Zhang Wen;People’s Hospital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;
Application effect of Sandwich teaching method in teaching of nursing management
Bao Yuxin;Hai Hong;Affiliated TCM Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University;
Construction of evaluation index system on humanistic caring ability of clinical nursing staff using Delphy method
Li Liang;Yang Nan;Ren Hong;Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University;
Analysis of risk factors and nursing intervention of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Yuan Ying;Ding Fang;Central Hospital of Xianning City Hubei Province;
Influence of peer support education with WeChat group on blood glucose and self-management ability of patients with diabetes mellitus
Si Lian;Duan Peng;Liu Jia;The Third Hospital of Nanchang City Jiangxi Province;
Influence of structural group psychological intervention on posttraumatic growth of young patients with breast cancer after modified radical mastectomy
Tian Linlin;Ma Lili;Li Yanping;Beijing Shijitan Hospital;Capital Medical University;
Application of acupoint massage in nursing care of constipation in patients with acute low back pain
Huang Jinyuan;Lei Longming;Shen Yanwu;The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Application of standardization system in clinical competence evaluation of nursing undergraduates
Zhou Min;Li Huaping;Ma Zhiying;Xiangyang Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of Medicine;Medicine and Nursing College of Hubei University of Medicine;
Application of continuous pressure cold therapy in early treatment of soft tissue injury
Liang Ni;Yang Keqin;Lin Shaohong;Guigang People’s Hospital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
Design and analysis of clinical application effect of fast Platon template
Liang Chunping;Liang Yemei;Xie Yan;Workers’ Hospital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
Application of students teaching method in experimental teaching of “Fundamentals of nursing”
Ma Ting;Lei Fenfang;Yue Yuejuan;Shaoyang Medical College;
Investigation on quality of discharged guidance for patients with schizophrenia
Wang Dingxi;Li Xiaolin;Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University;
Application of extended intervention model in breast cancer patients with cancer-related fatigue
Li Xiaojin;Zhou Chunlan;Li Wenji;Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University;
Application of extended care model in discharged diabetic patients complicated with tuberculosis
Ma Hongjuan;Wang Zhen;People’s Hospital of Wei County Hebei Province;
Cognitive status quo of residents toward antibiotics in community in Tianjin City and analysis of its influencing factors
Yu Yajie;Zhao Yu;Wang Xue;Tianjin Medical University;School of Nursing;
Application of flipped classroom teaching mode based on micro leeture in teaching of “Introduction of Nursing Science”
Liu Fang;Nursing College of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine;
Application of case simulation and participatory feedback teaching method in exeriment teachinof neonatal resuscitation
Meng Li;Zhang Yong’ai;Zhang Sumei;Nursing College of Xi’an Medical University;
Correlation study on self-efficacy and anxiety in self-taking paraquat poisoning patients’ family
Wu Fengju;Wei Lifei;Qin Yingyu;First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Science and Technology;
Qualitative study on application of 3D virtual display technology in teaching of obstetrics and gynecology nursing
Li Shengjie;Xiong Zhenfang;Li Lin;Nursing College of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine;
Evidence-based nursing of preventing the occurrence of PICC malposition patients with advanced cancer
Liu Shanshan;Mu Qianqian;Li Junying;West China Hospital of Sichuan University;
Study on the relationship between injection volume of balloon and bladder spasm,catheter emersion on Indwelling catheter for patients with cesarean section
Liu Min;Ma Zhijun;The Third Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College;
Research on effect of standardized occupational training of yanglao nursing staff in Shaanxi province
Gao Li;Cui Yan;Yang Jie;Nursing College of Fourth Military Medical University;
Research on the continuing education status and cognition of clinical nurses in Dongguan city
Wang Weiqiong;Zhang Hong;Li Caihong;Nursing College of Guangdong Medical University;
Study on integration of nursing main courses and professional ethics
Zeng Dongyang;Cao Weijie;Zhang Caihong;Hainan Medical College;
Assessment and evaluation of self care behavior for patients with spinal cord injury during rehabilitation period
Xiong Chumei;Fan Gu;Song Yulan;Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region of PLA;
Survey of correlation between communication satisfaction and organizational effectiveness of nurses
Wang Xingli;Guan Qiongyao;Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University;
Evaluation research on clinical practice environment of nursing students with different education background
Zhang Hongchen;Yang Yanwei;Nursing College of the Fourth Military Medical University of PLA;
Application of inpatient observation scale for nurses in patients with anxiety disorder and depression disorder
Han Xinlian;Ren Gaiying;Zhao Xinwei;Shanxi General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force;
Cognitive survey of physical constraints of nursing staff in old-age care institutions in Tianjin city
Du Jin;Wang Yan;Liu Ting;Graduate School of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Influence of positive psychological diary on depression and quality of life in patients with primary liver cancer
Wang Lu;The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;
Application of comprehensive nursing intervention in the quality management of intravenous infusion
Zhang Haiyan;Zhang Liuli;Yu Jieling;People’s Hospital of Shenzhen City Guangdong Province;
Observation on effect of psychological nursing combined with ear point pressure beans to alleviate anxiety in early dialysis patients
He Zhilan;Cai Baolan;Zeng Jianhui;TCM Hospital of Zhongshan City Guangdong Province;
Probe into carrying out “Double certificates” teaching mode in nursing specialty
Li Jian;Ning Yanjiao;Chengde Nursing Vocational College;
Influence of new type medical garbage classification vehicle on the occupational musculoskeletal injury of nursing staff
Yu Xihong;Zheng Zhonghua;Zhang Kewei;TCM Hospital of Zhengzhou City Henan Province;
pin guan quan zai ti gao hu shi nao zu zhong zao qi kang fu zhi shi zhi xiao lv zhong de ying yong
lv hui yi ; zhao jun ; liu yan mei ; wu jun ying ;
yang lao ji gou lao nian ren yi liao fu wu li yong bu zu de yuan yin fen xi
li juan ; wu bing yi ; zhao fei yan ;
ping heng ji fen ka zai hu li ji xiao guan li zhong de ying yong
wu hui qin ; hao yan qin ; jia zuo ni ; yang zuo zuo ; guo shuai ;