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Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edution)
2012 Issue 3
Differential equation pricing method of power-geometric Asian option
REN Fang-ling;QIAO Ke-lin
Implementation of the flexible dynamic visualization techniques in 0/1 knapsack problem
HONG Qi;ZOU Liang;HONG Meng-yuan;MAO Yan-wen;XIA Fei
Population density distribution and breeding of koklass pheasant in Changqing nature reserve
MEN Gui-rong;DU Xiao-jian;YUAN Zhao-hui
Research on torsional strength calculation for rectangle spline and torsional experiment for less-teeth gear
WANG Bao-min;ZOU Ying-kang;CHENG Wei;DONG Long-zhi
Fractal simulation of aerosol aggregation particles
LIU Ya-feng
Optimization research of R&D in supply chain under time-sensitive
REN Juan-juan;ZHU Qiang;ZHANG Yu-jing
Nature of the superconductivity theory
Research and design of Buck converter based on the FPGA
CHENG Hong-li;GAO Fan