Data Fusion Based on the GA-BP Neural Networks in WSNs
ZHANG Jing;XUE Leng;RONG Hui;WANG Jianping;FU Xiaodong;Computer Technology Application Key Lab of Yunnan Province;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Faculty of Art and Design;Kunming Metallurgy College;
Micro-blog Sentiment Classification Based on Three-Word-Combination Model
LI Guicheng;WANG Bin;LI Ru;WANG Zhiqiang;CHENG Yaodong;School of Computer and Information Technology;Shanxi University;Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Computation Intelligence and Chinese Information Processing;Shanxi University;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Partially Percolating Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Fluid Flow and Permeability
LI Ruru;YANG Yushuang;PAN Jinxiao;LIN Mian;LIU Keyu;School of Information and Communication Engineering;North University of China;Institute of Theoretical Physics;Shanxi University;CSIRO;Private Bag 33;Clayton;Vic 3169;Australia;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Signal Capturing and Processing;North University of China;Institute of Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;CSIRO Earth Science & Resource Engineering;RIPED;PetroChina;