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Journal of Biology
2009 Issue 3
Study on assay of key enzyme glycerol dehydratase activity of 1, 3-propanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae
WANG Yong;ZHUGE Bin;FANG Hui-ying;MAO Zhong-gui;ZHUGE Jian
Clone and sequence of BVDV E0 gene of sika deer
GAO Yu-gang;LI Fan-ying;LIU Jia-jia;DU Rui;ZANG Pu
Pyramiding Xa23, Pi9 and Bt genes by molecular marker-assisted selection
CHEN Sheng;NI Da-hu;LU Xu-zhong;LI Li;WANG Wen-xiang;ZHANG Qi;ZHAO Kai-jun;ZHANG Liang;GUO Xia;YANG Jian-bo
Comparative study on summer hydrophyte of lakeside in Pogang lake before and after its river-communicating (RC)
CHEN Shu-qin;LU Yang;CHU Zhao-sheng;MA De-qing;YANG Li-zhi
Research on expression of landrace RARα gene on different days
YANG Guo-wei;LIU Di;ZHANG Dong-jie;HE Xin-miao;WANG Wen-tao
Study on winter phytoplankton diversity of Shengjin lake, Anhui
SHEN Jun;XU Ren-xin;ZHOU Zhong-ze;CHEN Yuan-qi;SUN Qing-ye;XU Li-lin;ZHAO Xiu-xia;ZONG Mei
PCR-RFLP analysis on the hormone-sensitive lipase gene exonⅠby BsaH I in swine
CHEN Li-rong;JIA Yan-mei;HAN Jun-wen
Studies on solid-state fermentation condition of Hirsutella sinensis anamorph of Cordyceps sinensis
GE Fei;GUI Lin;LI Chun-run;FAN Mei-zhen
Purification and identification of rh-leptin and preparation of rh-leptin monoclonal antibody
XIE Xiao-qiang;CAO Liang;WANG Xian;XU Zhen-shan;SONG Li-hua
Study on fed batch fermentation kinetic models for astaxanthin by Phaffia rhodozyma
LI Wan-zhen;ZHU Long-bao;TAO Yu-gui;DAI Qin-yuan
Fault diagnosis for glutamic acid fermentation by an auto-associative neural network
DONG Chuan-liang;SHI Zhong-ping
Purification and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from apple
XIAO Hou-rong;YANG Hong;CAI Jing-min;WANG Zhong-feng;LIU Bin;ZHANG Jie;WU Ke
Advances in molecular evolution and functions of NADP+ -dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in higher plants
WANG Peng;ZHAO Han-jun;ZHAI Yu-jia;ZHU Guo-ping
Axon guidance and guidance cues of mesodiencephalic dopaminergic neurons
JIANG Shu-xia;CHEN Xiao-ping
Drosophua odor receptor complex research Or22a-Or836
E-mail:wangxiang1129@163.com.Progress in the study on nervous system developmental toxicity of chlorpyrifos
WANG Xiang;CHEN Xiao-ping;FANG Shu;QIAN Ling-ling
The disquisitive development about Intein
ZHANG Xiang-ping;QU Ai;DING Tie-lin
Research on the extraction and stability of yellow pigment produced by Eurotium cristatum
WANG Bo;YU Han-shou;LIU Xue-hui;JI Yan-ling;WANG Zhi-wei
Comparison of the total flavonoids contents of Litsea coreana leaf in different extraction methods
LU Wei-li;QIN Jing-ke;TANG Wen-jian;LI Jun
Proteins from rice leaves extracted with Mg/NP-40 buffer are different from those with TCA buffer
LIANG Shu-jian;ZHANG Meng;WANG Wei;GUAN Shuang-hong;SUN Ye-qing
Cryo-sectioning technique for the observation of microstructure and histochemistry in plant
XIE Pei-song;XU Zhong-gen;WEI Cun-xu
Recombinant expression and protein structure prediction of G13 domain from granulysin
FANG Hong;ZHA Xiang-dong;YANG Jin-huan;LIU Xiao-qiang;QU Man-yi
Exploration on the reform of zoology experimental teaching relying on the opening laboratory
JI Yun-tao;LIU Sheng-jie;CUI Ya-dong;NIE Chuan-peng;ZHU Mao-ying
Research on teaching and construction of enzyme engineering course
ZHANG Ting-ting;SHI Mei