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Journal of Biology
2006 Issue 5
qian tan sheng wu xue dian zi jiao an de zhi zuo
su zheng fang
sheng wu ao sai pei xun yu chuang xin su zhi jiao yu
wen zong ; xu zuo
Primary exploration on teaching reform of biostatistics
LI Yu-ge
Environmental cleaning of glass and plastic wares in biological laboratory
XIE Zhen-hua;CAI Guo-ping
Callus induction and culture of Primula merrilliana
ZHA Shuai-bing
Study on the growth and mushroom-budding condition of Phallus impudicus fungus-bud
LI Neng-zhang;LI Neng-wu;QIU Rong-rong;PENG Yuan-yi
Investigation and study on roof plants of Shanghai district
ZHANG Jie;HU Yong-hong;ZHAO Yu-ting
The protective effect of mycelium polysaccharides from Agaricus blazei (Ab-Mp)on damaged DNA
SUN Yi-yang;YANG Zhao-fen;XIE Ji-feng;SHEN Ye-shou
Study of isolation and identification of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in pliose antler
CAO Yi;WANG Rui-lin;ZHANG Min;YANG Jian-hong
Preparation and regeneration of protoplasts of Hymenostilbe sphecophala
CHEN Xiao-lin;LI Zeng-zhi;FAN Mei-zhen
The effect of the density on microorganic enzyme in composting
JIN Jie;WU Ke;CAI Jing-min;YU Zhi-min;LIU Sheng-ping;Michael Nelles;Martin Faulstich
Determination of calcium content in Bombyx mori silkworm silk gland with atomic adsorption spectrometry
HUANG Yu-fang;HUANG Yao;SHAO Zheng-zhong;CHEN Xin
Study of rhizosphere microbial community composition in different cropping systems by DGGE
SONG Ya-na;BAO Xing-guo;LI Long;ZHANG Fu-suo;ZHEN Wei-wen
Tissue chip
LIU Xiao-yan;YAO Xiao-ling;XU Zhen-shan;SONG Li-hua
The advantages and disadvantages of ecological engineering of spartina in China
YAN Mao-hua;XUE Hua-jie;LU Chang-mei;WU Guo-rong;QIN Pei
Research on plant polypeptide signal RALF
LI Yan-yan;CAO Jia-shu;HUANG Li