RNF122 Induces Cell Apoptosis Dependent on Its RING Domain
PENG Zhi1;3);JI Zhao-Ning1;3);SHI Tai-Ping1;2)**;MA Da-Long1;2) Chinese National Human Genome Center;Beijing 100176;China; 2) Laboratory of Medical Immunology;School of Basic Medical Science;Peking University Health Science Center;Beijing 100191;China; 3) Department of Medical Oncology;Yijishan Hospital;Wannan Medical College;Wuhu 241001;China)
microRNAs:A New Mechanisms for Regulation of Lipid Metabolism
CHEN Wu-Jun1;2);YIN Kai1;3);ZHAO Guo-Jun1;4);TANG Chao-Ke1)** Institute of Cardiovascular Disease;Key Laboratory for Atherosclerology of Hunan Province; Life Science Research Center;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China; 2) Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmacology;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China; 3) The Department of Diagnostics;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China; 4) Department of Histology and Embryology;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China)
Extracting Spatio-temporal Feature for Classification of Event-related Potentials
HUANG Zhi-Hua1;2;3)**;LI Ming-Hong4)**;MA Yuan-Ye5)***;ZHOU Chang-Le1;2)*** Cognitive Science Department;Xiamen University;Xiamen 361005;China; 2) Fujian Key Laboratory of the Brain-like Intelligent Systems;Xiamen 361005;China; 3) College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Fuzhou University;Fuzhou 350108;China; 4) College of Basic Medicine;Kunming Medical University;Kunming 650031;China; 5) Kunming Institute of Zoology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223;China)