Effect of The Novel Gene NPCEDRG Associated With NPC on The Growth of CNE2 Cells
YANG Shuai1;2);HU Hua3);DENG Min1);DONG Juan-Hui1);WANG Yan1);LUO Qiao1);HE Xiu-Sheng1);CHEN Zhu-Chu4) Key Laboratory of Cancer Cellular and Molecular Pathology;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;2) Department of Pathology;The First Affiliated Hospital;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;3) Department of Pathology;The Second Affiliated Hospital;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;4) Institute of Oncology;Central South University;Changsha 410078;China)
Discovering Active Subnetwork in Protein Interaction Network
LI Fei1);BO Xiao-Chen2);LI Peng2);YU Zhao-Hui3);PENG Yu-Xing1);WANG Sheng-Qi2) National Laboratory for Parallel & Distributed Processing;College of Computer;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China;2) Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine;Beijing 100850;China;3) First Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College;Hangzhou 310009;China)
GSK-3β Modulates 9G8-mediated Alternative Splicing of Tau Exon 10
DING Shao-Hong1;3);YIN Xiao-Min1;2);SHI Jian-Hua1;2);QIAN Wei1;2);LIU FEI1;2) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration;Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;2) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Medical School;Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;3) School of Public Health;Nantong University;Nantong 226007;China)