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Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
2010 Issue 2
Construction of High Efficiency Pichia pastoris Surface Display System Based on Flo1 Protein
HAN Shuang-Yan;HAN Zhen-Lin;LIN Ying;ZHENG Sui-Ping
Inflammasome and Inflammatory Response
ZHU Xiao-Mei;YAO Yong-Ming;SHENG Zhi-Yong
Paraoxon Down Regulates ATP-binding Cassette Transporter A1 Expression and Decreases Cholesterol Efflux Through Cyclic AMP Signaling Pathway in RAW 264.7 Macrophage-derived Foam Cells
ZHOU Shou-Hong1;2);YANG Xu-Hong1);WU Shu-Jin1);CHEN Geng-Rong1);LIU Li-Ying1)Department of Pharmacology;Xiang-Ya Medical College;Central South University;Changsha 410078;China;2) Department of Physiology;School of Medicine;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China)
Analysis of Serum High Density Lipoprotein Subclasses by Electrophoresis on Microfluidic Chip
ZHENG Hui-Fei1;2);CONG Hui1);WANG Hui-Min1);JIN Qing-Hui2);ZHAO Jian-Long2) Laboratory Medicine Center;Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;2) Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200050;China)
Effect of The Novel Gene NPCEDRG Associated With NPC on The Growth of CNE2 Cells
YANG Shuai1;2);HU Hua3);DENG Min1);DONG Juan-Hui1);WANG Yan1);LUO Qiao1);HE Xiu-Sheng1);CHEN Zhu-Chu4) Key Laboratory of Cancer Cellular and Molecular Pathology;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;2) Department of Pathology;The First Affiliated Hospital;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;3) Department of Pathology;The Second Affiliated Hospital;University of South China;Hengyang 421001;China;4) Institute of Oncology;Central South University;Changsha 410078;China)
The Effects of Dihydrofolate Reductase Gene on The Development of Pharyngeal Arches
SUN Shu-Na1);GUI Yong-Hao1);JIANG Qiu2);QIAN Lin-Xi2);SONG Hou-Yan2) Children’s Hospital;Fudan University;Shanghai 201102;China;2) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Shanghai Medical College and Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine;Ministry of Education;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China)
The Effect of α1,2-Fucosyl Transferase Gene Transfection on p38MAPK Signaling Pathway-mediated Apoptosis of Ovarian Carcinoma RMG-I Cells
CONG Jian-Ping;LIN Bei;LIU Juan-Juan;LIU Qing;LI Fei-Fei;LIU Shui-Ce;GAO Song;ZHANG Shu-Lan
Development of Protein Quantification Based on ICP-MS
MI Wei;WANG Jing
Discovering Active Subnetwork in Protein Interaction Network
LI Fei1);BO Xiao-Chen2);LI Peng2);YU Zhao-Hui3);PENG Yu-Xing1);WANG Sheng-Qi2) National Laboratory for Parallel & Distributed Processing;College of Computer;National University of Defense Technology;Changsha 410073;China;2) Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine;Beijing 100850;China;3) First Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College;Hangzhou 310009;China)
GSK-3β Modulates 9G8-mediated Alternative Splicing of Tau Exon 10
DING Shao-Hong1;3);YIN Xiao-Min1;2);SHI Jian-Hua1;2);QIAN Wei1;2);LIU FEI1;2) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration;Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;2) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Medical School;Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;3) School of Public Health;Nantong University;Nantong 226007;China)
Progress of Differentiating Human Embryonic Stem Cells Into Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Potential Applications
WU Qiong1;2;3);XI Jia-Fei2);LI Ya-Li1);PEI Xue-Tao2) Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics;General Hospital;Beijing 100853;China;2) Beijing Institute of Transfusion Medicine;Beijing 100850;China;3) Department of Gynecology;No.307 Hospital of Chinese PLA;Beijing 100071;China)
Research on The Effect of Amyloid beta on Mitochondrial Dysfunction In vivo and In vitro
LIU Ling-Ling1);SHENG Bai-Yang1);GONG Kai1);ZHAO Nan-Ming1);ZHANG Xiu-Fang1);TANG Pei-Fu2) GONG Yan-Dao1) State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology;School of Life Sciences;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China;2) Department of Orthopaedics;Chinese PLA General Hospital;Beijing 100853;China)
Interference of Chkl/2 by RNA Regulates G2/M Arrest and Expressions of Cell Cycle Related Proteins Induced by Diallyl Disulfide
LING Hui;LU Li-Feng;WEN Ling;HE Jie;TAN Hui;XIA Hong;SU Qi
The Research Advances in The Field of Lipidomics
CAI Tan-Xi;LIU Ping-Sheng;YANG Fu-Quan;YANG Fu-Yu