Advances in efficacy and security of expanded mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
Jing Liu1;2;Lin Song3;Wei Zou4;Dong Zhuge1;and Zhanfeng Cui2 1 Centre for Regenerative Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University;Dalian 116011;China 2 Department of Engineering Science;University of Oxford;Oxford OX1 3PJ;U.K.3 School of Environmental and Biological Science and Technology;Dalian 116024;China 4 School of Life Science;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;China
Progress in microencapsulation of stem cells
Li Ye1;and Shibin Wang1;2 1 Department of Biological Engineering and Technology;Huaqiao University;Xiamen 361021;China 2 Laboratory for Biomaterials;Huaqiao University;Xiamen 361021;China